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AdvancementsTogether -----

Plugin to share achievements with connected players

I always wanted to complete minecraft java achievements with my friends but the achievements were complicated to obtain and more when we all wanted the achievements. So: achievements together is a plugin which you can share the achievements that players get, with the goal they want to give!!!

You can modify the plugin so that when you get an achievement it sends a message to the player about the achievement with particles and effects, or just leave it more minimalist and just share the achievement, it works with the worlds that you specify, with this you can use the plugin with several worlds apart or in use of a network [ only 3 worlds over, nether and end ].

In minecraft there are progressive achievements these are achievements which have to get several criteria monsters, biomes, etc... with this the players lose the amount of how many criteria they have or are missing, with this the players have a command <progress> with which they can know the criteria for the achievement [ Implemented achievements: Adventure Time, Monsters Hunted, Two By Two and A Balanced Diet ].

The plugin has a custom achievement which players receive when they enter the server, which you can customize with the player's name, color, item and background which can make your server more synergistic with the achievements.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34
First Release: Dec 27, 2024
Last Update: Feb 19, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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