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AdvancedHoppers -----

Simplify hopper configurations and save on materials with this small, performant utility plugin.

AdvancedHoppers by courtega
Simplify hopper configurations and save on materials with this small, performant utility plugin! Filter expressions follow a simple syntax that takes less than three minutes to learn.

What's different?
Here's the rundown of improvements AdvancedHoppers makes upon HopperFilter 0.3.1:

  • Chat integration, making it a lot easier to see what you're doing
  • Hoppers no longer clogged by excluded items
  • Created a config.toml, allowing server admins to easily make changes to functionality
  • Created a locale.toml to make dialog translatable into other languages
  • Removed the arguably useless group separator and replaced it with an OR (|) operator
  • Code optimizations, reducing RAM consumption (in my basic testing ~20%; YMMV)
How do I use it?
There are two primary ways of setting a filter:

  1. Hold the item you want to filter for in your primary hand, then sneak and smack the hopper (Shift + Left Click).
  2. With nothing in your hand, sneak and smack the hopper (Shift + Left Click), then type in chat the filter expression you want to set.
Recent changelog
Not too much new in this update.

  • You can now Shift + Left Click to rename hopper minecarts!
  • Sound selection is now deferred to config.toml!
  • Migrated much of the codebase to Kotlin. Haven't decided if I like it this way or not.
  • Some other minor features and changes
  • Added a config.toml, allowing administrators to change settings and functionality with ease.
  • Added a locale.toml! This lets servers targeting non-English-speaking player bases to easily translate dialogue into their native tongue!
  • Fixed a couple small bugs.
Notes: I've decided to go with TOML as the configuration format of choice because I personally find YAML disgusting. I think that TOML is a fair balance between ease-of-use and structure.

  • Added chat integration, notifying you when you're editing a filter expression, and notifying you when an edit was cancelled.
  • Items that aren't accepted by the filtered hopper will no longer clog it!
  • Slight performance optimization (in my basic testing, RAM usage was reduced by 20%, but YMMV)
  • Removed grouping separator and replaced it with an OR operator.
  • Fixed enchantment/level delimitation issue by switching from _ to a more intuitive :.
  • Etc., etc., just check commits on GitHub
Important: As you can see, this is an "alpha" release. Changes will continue to be made to improve performance and the overall player experience.

If you'd like to contribute, feel free to make a pull request, and you will be credited accordingly! This plugin is mainly a side project for me to improve my Java skills, but I will try to update things on a semi-regular basis.

Current roadmap (subject to change)
  • Implement better checking for invalid input
  • Optimize and refactor the expression parser
  • Improve performance
  • Add support for comparative statements
  • Add backwards compatibility for older Minecraft versions
  • Fun statistics features (a hard "maybe")
Blah, blah, legalese
I don't care if you use this plugin or its code to go make your own thing, but you must give me credit, and your project must be licensed under GPLv3, because that's how GPLv3 works.

Purposeful ignorance of the license and its terms is a bad idea. Think before you do. This has been a problem with previous projects and it will not be tolerated. Thank you.

If you want to show your appreciation for the weird little plugins I work on, the best thing you can do is share them with your friends and help to improve them by submitting issues to the issue tracker on GitHub.

AdvancedHoppers is a rewrite of jwkerr's HopperFilter plugin (forked from 0.3.1). That means this codebase is licensed under GPLv3. That fun little document resides in /LICENSE.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 36
First Release: Jul 11, 2024
Last Update: Jul 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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