| AdvancedHCFAbilities | 18 Abilities | Fully Customzable icon

| AdvancedHCFAbilities | 18 Abilities | Fully Customzable -----

Switcherball, Poison Egg/Rotten Egg, Grappling hook, saviour, warp pearl and more!

| AdvancedHcfAbilities | Added Stun + Fixed Bugs ✨ | Fully Customziable |

✔ HcfAbilities is a completely free spigot plugin created by Delected.

✔ This plugin is extremely easy to use and is 100% custom.

✔ For now, since the plugin is in beta, there aren't many features, but really soon, I will add more.

✔ This plugin was developed on Spigot 1.8.9, but it works with 1.7.10 - 1.12.2 and possibly other versions (I have not tested).

✔ For support and suggestions, use https://discord.gg/42YaRE6 (I will not be answering questions on here). I hope you enjoy!


Hopefully tomorrow:

I'll release 2.1 With a ton of bug fixes. More info in the discord channel:


30 downloads - I will release 3.0 (with inventory switcher, more)

100 downloads - I will release 4.0 (archer effects/archer upgrades, some classes such as diamond, etc.) - this may take a while, but I’ll do it.

150 downloads - I will release 5.0 (with added cooldowns such as golden apple cooldown)

➼ SwitcherBall

‣ Fully Custom Messages

‣ Working on all versions

‣ Toggleable

➼ Rotten Egg

‣ Fully Custom Messages

‣ Working on all versions

‣ Toggleable

➼ Stunner

‣ Fully Custom Messages

‣ Working on all versions

‣ Toggleable

TO-DO (Coming very soon):

➼ Inventory Switcher (Bamboozle)

➼ And more!

AdvancedHcfAbilities is completely configurable/customizable from the messages to the names.

Code (YAML):

# READ ME: Before config, please remember the following:

# USE the '&' symbol followed by the correspondant Minecraft color code for colored messages.

# Permissions are availible on the spigot website.

# Use '<player>' to specify the player's name in a message.
# ^^ This works in most instances. For example, it will work when someone enables fly, but it obviously won't if someone executes a command from console.

# You can now begin the config.


# Error message if a command is ran from the console:

: 'This command can only be executed by a player.'

#Message if the player doesn't have the require permission to run the command. Permissions availible on the spigot website.
: '&4You do not have the permissions to run this command!'

# message sent to the player when the command they used is disabled. It is blank by default.
: ''  

# message sent to the player if the arg player does not exist. For example /switcherball give 'player name'. If 'player name' was not online or did not exist, it would send the command executor the following message.

: '&4That player is not online or does not exist!'

# Switcherball config

# Incorect usage message when the command sender did not use the correct arguments for the switcherball command.

: '&4Incorrect usage! /<command> give <name> <ammount>'

# The main Switcher Ball name

: '&eSwitcher Ball'

# The switcher ball's lore (the subtext)

: '&fSwitches you with another player!'

# The switcher's state (set to true if you want it to be enabled, set to false if you want it disabled)

: true

# Egg config

# The egg's state (set to true if you want it to be enabled, set to false if you want it disabled)

: true

: '&4Incorrect usage! /<command> give <name> <ammount>'

# The main egg name

: '&aRotten Egg'

# The egg's lore (the subtext)

: '&fGives a player nausea, poison, and blindness.'

# Disables egg hatching so that poison egg doesn't spawn a chicken (false by default)
# I will add this soon

# Stunner

# The Stunners state (set to true if you want it to be enabled, false if you want it disabled)

: true

# The main Stunner Name/Title

: '&0Stun'

# The stunner's lore (the subtext)

: '&fRight click a player to stun them!'

# Message sent to the player when they do not use the command properly

: '&4Incorrect usage! /<command> give <name> <ammount>'

• hcfabils.rottenegg - gives the player access to the /rottenegg command

• hcfabils.switcher - gives the player access to the /switcherball command

• hcfabils.stunner - gives the player access to the /stunner command


No perms are needed to use these items

All support is on https://discord.gg/42YaRE6

This includes suggestions

I won't be active on the forums so join the discord.


• You may decompile this plugin for personal use.

• You may not claim this as your own.

• You may edit it to your liking, however, you may NOT make it available publicly.

• You may not re-upload this plugin.

• Remember, I am not obligated to make any updates whatsoever to this resource as it is completely free.

• I am allowed to update these terms to my liking whenever I want.

• By downloading this plugin, you automatically agree to these terms and conditions.

I hope it works for you! If this plugin helped you, please rate it! It would make my day!


( https://discord.gg/H6bmJg3) Especially: Jer#3011 and SolidJuho#1217!
----------, Dec 3, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,018
First Release: Dec 1, 2019
Last Update: Jun 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings