| AdvancedHCFAbilities | 18 Abilities | Fully Customzable icon

| AdvancedHCFAbilities | 18 Abilities | Fully Customzable -----

Switcherball, Poison Egg/Rotten Egg, Grappling hook, saviour, warp pearl and more!

Version: 4.1.3-STABLE
What are the permissions so that my players can use the abilities?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response

Version: 4.1.0-STABLE
Please update for version 1.20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Resource updated!

Version: v4.1.0-STABLE
This is an incredibly cool plugin on the ability
The developer is very good, answers, gladly helped with my request
Now I use only this plugin!

Version: 4.0.0
what a great complement 100% recommended..........................................
Author's response

Version: 3.0.2
actualice el plugin a al version 1.19 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Hi, the original author (Delected) just transferred this resource to me. An update will be released soon

Version: 3.0.2
Working in 1.17.1 tks you :>

Version: 3.0.2
The plugin is Extremely good and fun to play with, but there is a bug.
When the saviour is used Whichever item im holding in my inventory dissapears instead of the saviour. Fix this by not clearing the item the player is holding but instead only THE saviour

Version: 3.0.2
the plugin is amazing for version 1.8, but can you upgrade to version 1.16.5? :D

Version: 3.0.2
Amazing works wonderfully there was a bug and he helped fast, He was super nice thanks!
Author's response

Version: 3.0.1-RECODE
How do I config plugins cause I want to add this to my practice server. I've tried so many times to config plugins and i just dont know how to.
Author's response
hey! Thanks for the review! Feel free to join the discord, and I will be happy to assist you in configuring the plugin to fit your needs!

Version: 3.0.1-RECODE
Nice project. I worked it out and came to a conclusion so that I don't get framed, so I no longer have any problem with the author.

Version: 3.0.1-RECODE
Response to markclaxston227:
Just to make a response to the user markclaxston227.

This plugin DOES NOT contain any ransomware and CAN'T delete ANY data.

The plugin does what it's supposed to. I scanned thro the code in github and the decompiled .jar.

Response to the dev:
I'm very very impressed by the work and I'm happy to see such a good and orginized work. Even tho I don't plan to use the plugin it would be a plugin I recommend.
Author's response
Thanks for clearing that up... Angel loves trashing my thread for some reason lmao

Version: 3.0.1-RECODE
I really like this plugin. It is really fun to play with my friends! I hope to see more plugins like this in the future!
Author's response

Version: 3.0-RECODE
Great program! Works nicely. Keep up the great work! Very good program I really like it.

Version: 3.0-RECODE
This is one of the best free HCF abilities plugin I've ever seen! The quality is great!!!
Author's response

Version: 2.0-BETA-UPDATED
The plugin is very good, but the only problem with it is the fact you can't execute command as a console.
Author's response
fixed in the latest version!

Version: 2.0-BETA-UPDATED
can you release 2.1 or 3.0 its at 64 downloads and theres some bugs so can you release one of those versions already the switcher balls dont work the stunner and rotten egg work just not the switcher balls
Author's response
released! Sorry it took so long

Version: 2.0-BETA-UPDATED
Was looking for this kind of plugin like 10 years lmfao. Nice idea, i hope you will add so much more abilities soon
Author's response
Thanks! I will definitely be updating this plugin frequently! The reason I made this plugin was because I thought that this plugin would be needed. The problem is, there aren't any other free HCF Abilities Plugins out there. With my extremely novice proggraming skills, I was able to put this together!

Anyhow, thanks very much for the positive review! It means the world to me! If you need any help, please contact me via discord.



Version: 1.0-BETA
Really interesting plugin! Worth using. Working 1.7.10 PaperSpigot. Good for all HCF Servers!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,012
First Release: Dec 1, 2019
Last Update: Jun 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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