AdvancedBan | Enhaced icon

AdvancedBan | Enhaced -----

AdvancedBan: Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful – Your All-In-One Punishment Solution


This is a remastered fork of AdvancedBan with updated dependencies and plugins.

  • Description: is an All-In-One Punishment-System with warns, tempwarns, mutes, tempmutes, bans, tempbans, ipbans, tempipbans and kicks. It also includes a PlayerHistory so you can see the players past punishments. The plugin has configurable Time & Message-Layouts which automatically calculate and increase the Punishment-Time for certain reasons. AdvancedBan provides a full Message-File so you can change and translate all messages & a detailed config file with a lot of useful settings. This is a BungeeCord & Bukkit/Spigot-Plugin in one and it supports MySQL and a local embedded Database to provide high performance.
  • Installation:
    1. Download the Plugin
    2. Put it in your Plugin folder. [either in the one of your BungeeCord-Server or in the one of the Bukkit/Spigot]
    3. Reload/Restart your Server [if BungeeCord you have to restart it with /end]
    4. Check with /advancedban if the plugin is loaded.
    5. Configure it like you want & have fun.
  • Commands: [NEEDED] <OPTIONAL> | = or -s = Silent punishment (no notification to others)
    - /kick<-s> [PLAYER] <REASON | @LAYOUT>: Kick a player
    - /ban /mute /warn /note <-s> [PLAYER] <REASON | @LAYOUT>: Ban/Mute/Warn a player / Add a note to a player
    - /banip <-s> [PLAYER/IP] <REASON | @LAYOUT>: Ban a player's IP. If you enter a name it will use the cached IP
    - /tempban /tempmute /tempwarn <-s> [PLAYER] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <REASON | @LAYOUT>: Tempban/mute/warn a player for a given time or with a time-layout for automatic-time-calculation
    - /tempipban <-s> [PLAYER/IP] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <REASON | @LAYOUT>: Temippban a player for a given time or with a time-layout for automatic-time-calculation Alias: /tipban
    - /change-reason [ID] [New reason]: Change the reason for a punishment by id
    - /change-reason [ban/mute] [PLAYER] [New reason]: Change the reason for a players punishment
    - /unban /unmute [PLAYER]: Unban/mute a player
    - /unwarn /unnote [ID]: Delete a warn/note
    - /unwarn /unnote clear [PLAYER]: Delete all warnings/notes for a player
    - /unpunish [ID]: Delete a punishment
    - /warns /notes <PLAYER>: See your own or a player's warnings/notes.
    - /check [PLAYER]: Get player-status: UUID/IP/Country/Ban-Status/Mute-Status/Warn-Count/Note-Count
    - /banlist <PAGE>: See all currently active punishments
    - /history [PLAYER] <PAGE>: See all currently active punishments To use the command - ab.history
    - /advancedban reload: Reloads the messages from file and "some" settings
    - /advancedban help: Shows a list of all commands and a brief explanation
    - /systemprefs: Displays some System-Information which are useful for the configuration
  • Permission Nodes: Most of the permission nodes follow a simple layout: ab.PUNISHMENT.TYPE or ab.COMMAND
  • Configurations:
    - Config.yml: The config.yml should be self-explaining and there are also explanations in the config.yml
    - Messages.yml: Here you can change every message. All Message-Variables that are available are used in the default settings.
    - Layout.yml: Here you can define predefined reasons which can be used for (temp-)banning/muting/warning & kicking. You can use them by just typing @Layout-NAME instead of the reason. So you can have different layouts with different information for different reasons. And once you have defined them you do not have to type the whole reason.
    - Time: Here you can define timelayouts which can be used for temporary-punishments. You can use them by just typing #LAYOUT-NAME instead of the duration. The time increases every time a player gets punished with the same layout.
  • Features:
    - Ban-, Kick-, Mute- and Warn-System
    - Excellent performance
    - BungeeCord & Bukkit/Spigot-Plugin in one
    - PlayerHistory
    - Easy to use API
    - Advanced-UUID-Support
    - Intern or Extern UUID-Fetcher
    - Backup-UUID-Fetcher if Mojang-Servers are offline
    - Change UUID-Fetcher REST-API
    - MySQL or local embedded HyperSQL
    - Full customizable
    - Multiple lines in Kick- and Ban-Messages
    - Pre-Defined Reasons
    - Automatic time calculation [1th-tempban -> 1h | 2th-tempban -> 6h ...]
    - Custom Time-Offset [Change the timezone if the server has a wrong time]
    - Automatic-Warn actions
    - Check-Command [UUID, IP, COUNTRY, BAN/MUTE/WARNS]
  • Supported Plugins:
    - Discord Ban Announcer (by Sheidy)
    - GUI for Player History (by rossf_)
    - Auto Ban - Bans alt accounts (by james090500)
    - AB Sign Addon - Muted Players can not place signs (by AlekseyJust)
    - Punishment GUI (by BGHDDevelopment)
    - Discord BansWebhook (by PmzHeroV2)
    - Addon for Party and Friends System (by simonsator)
    - GUI Addon (by Boobah)
    - Use numbers instead of reasons, durations and punishment types (by Phyrone)
    - Negativity - AntiCheat with explicit AdvancedBan support (by Elikill58)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 127
First Release: Apr 14, 2024
Last Update: Apr 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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