The options category in the Skript is at the top and can be used to change most of the things in the Skript. these are the default options options:
# misc settings
starterkit: true
discordlink: (discordinvitelink)
# join and leave messages
joinmessage: &7[&a+&7] &f%player%
quitmessage: &7[&c-&7] &f%player%
firstjoinmessage: &7[&a+&7] &fWelcome %player% to (servername)!
usespawncoordsforfirstjoin: true
# spawn settings
x: 0 # The x coordinate of your spawn point
y: 100 # The y coordinate of your spawn point
z: 0 # The z coordinate of your spawn point
yaw: -90 # recommended -90, 90, 180, -180 and if diagonal 45, -45, 135, -135 depending on what way your spawn is facing.
pitch: 0 # recommended that you dont change this
worldname: world
# colors (most of this doesnt need to be changed but its here so you can)
titlecolor1: &a
titlecolor2: &6
titlecolor3: &c
titlecolor4: &4
messagecolor: &f
cancelcolor: &c
# Use this to set a custom chat prefix on the spawn command
prefix: §x§F§F§0§0§0§0⭐ &f
# same deal as the last one but this one is not as important and i recommend you keep the &c color code at the end
cancelprefix: §x§F§F§0§0§0§0⭐ &c