Advanced Economy Plus icon

Advanced Economy Plus -----

Economy with Mysql, Bungeecord, statistical analytical commands, and a support for IFH (A Vault++)!

If you need help or you want to be up to date with my plugin development, i welcome you to join my discord.

Advanced Economy Plus

Good day together.
This is the English description, the German comes after that.
First of all, my English is not very good, so sorry me for that.

English description:
This plugin is an economy system. It was written specifically with the new EcoSystem InterfaceHub in mind. It still supports Vault, but InterfaceHub is always required to enable multi-currency support, banking support, etc. IFH also makes it possible to send transaction messages via the bungee cord.
In addition, it houses a large number of statistical and analysis-capable commands.

Deutsche Beschreibung:
Dieses Plugin ist ein Wirtschaftsystem. Es wurde speziell mit dem neuen EcoSystem InterfaceHub geschrieben. Es unterstützt weiterhin Vault, jedoch wird InterfaceHub immer benötigt um die Möglichkeiten des MultiWährungssupports, des Bankensupport etc. zu ermöglichen. Durch IFH wird außerdem ermöglich Transaktionsnachrichten über den Bungeecord zu versenden.
Dazu beherbergt es eine große Menge statistischer und zur analysefähige Befehle.

-) Features (-
- Multi Currencie Support
- Bank Support
- Advanced Chatoutput Format
- Multi Account per Player Support
- Taxation Support (for Extern Plugins too)
- AccountCategorys
- Many more

-) Installation (-
AEP Installation Wiki site. Also in German readable!

-) Wiki (-
Here is the Wiki + Introduction and all other important stuff.
Here is the Wiki explanation how the Economy for AEP & IFH works. Also in German readable!

-) Requirements (-
-InterfaceHub [Depend]
-Mysql [Depend]
-Vault [SoftDepend]
-ChestShop [SoftDepend]
-Headdatabase [SoftDepend]
-Jobs(Reborn) [SoftDepend]
-QuickShop [SoftDepend]

Depend = Must have!
SoftDepend = Can be done, does not have to be.

-) Hook/Interface (-
If you want me to support specific plugins, just let me know and I will check if the other plugins support communication. If so, I will build them in^^. Or you can ask the devs of the specific plugin to implement IFH.
Wenn ihr wollt, dass ich spezifische Plugins unterstütze, teil sie mir einfach mit und ich schaue nach, ob die Anderen Plugins eine Kommunikation unterstützen. Falls ja, baue ich sie ein^^. Oder ihr fragt den Entwickler des Plugins ob er IFH mitimplementiert.
- PlotSquared (It is Legacy)
- GriefPrevention ( Have Replyed, but idk)
- MyPet ( Reply are nonsensical ...)

-) Images (-
The actionlog and trendlog change a little bit, but not so much, that the following pictures are so outdated, that I must delete it^^
The normale economylog.
economy mony log.JPG

The trendlog, or known as "dailylog".

The trenddiagram, witch works with relativ numbers.

And the trendgrafic, witch works with absolut numbers.

-) Bstats (-

-) Server that use this plugin (-
You use this plugin too? Send me a pm, and I can attach your URL or banner here!

-) Terms of Service (-
Durch den Download dieses Plugins stimmst du zu:
- Es nicht als deines irgendwo anderes hochzuladen oder gar in deinem Namen es zu verkaufen.

By downloading these plugins, you agree:
- It's not in your name to upload or sell.

-) End (-
About a comment and more I would be pleased. Have a nice day! :)
Über ein Kommentar und mehr würde ich mich freuen. Habt einen schönen Tag! :)

-) My other Plugins (-
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,116
First Release: Jun 7, 2020
Last Update: Jan 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
7 ratings
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