AdvancedAntiKillAura is a
highly advanced and
sophisticated Minecraft Spigot plugin meticulously crafted to
safeguard your server from the persistent threat of
Kill Aura and various other
combat-related hacks. This plugin offers an extensive range of
security features and
detection algorithms, ensuring that your gameplay remains
fair and
enjoyable for all players. By integrating
AdvancedAntiKillAura into your server, you can significantly reduce the risk of
unfair advantages and
cheating, providing a
secure and
balanced environment for everyone involved.
- Download the AdvancedAntiKillAura.jar.
- Add the .jar file into your plugins folder.
- Restart the server to enable the plugin.
Plugins configuration
After making your changes, restart the server to apply them.
Code (YAML):
# Change it to true to enable the plugin
: false
# Set to true to kick the player for using kill aura
: true
# Message to be shown to the player when they are kicked
"You are kicked for using kill aura"
# Set to true to permanently ban the player for using kill aura
: false
# Message to be shown to the player when they are banned
"You are banned for using kill aura"
# Set to true to temporarily ban the player for using kill aura (You will need essentialsX for this to work)
: false
# Duration of the temporary ban in seconds
: 1200
# Message to be shown to the player when they are temporarily banned
"You are banned for using kill aura"
- antikillaura.ignore
- Players with this permission are ignored from the plugin.
Note: Players with op are ignored by the plugin.