AdminManager icon

AdminManager -----

Minecraft utility plugin

### AdminManager

AdminManager is a comprehensive plugin designed to empower server administrators with a wide array of powerful and easy-to-use tools. Whether you're managing a small community server or a large public server, AdminManager provides all the essential commands and functionalities you need to maintain order, enhance gameplay, and streamline administrative tasks.



1. **Clear Chat (/cc):**
- Quickly clear the chat for all players.
- Ideal for maintaining order during events or making announcements.

2. **Vanish Mode (/v):**
- Become invisible to other players.
- Perfect for discreetly monitoring player behavior.

3. **Fly Mode (/fly):**
- Toggle flight mode on and off.
- Enhance mobility and exploration for admins.

4. **Health Management (/health <player> <amount>):**
- Adjust any player's health directly.
- Useful for moderating events or assisting players in need.

5. **Ban, Kick, and Mute Commands:**
- **/ban <player> <reason>:** Ban players with a specified reason.
- **/kick <player> <reason>:** Kick players with a specified reason.
- **/mute <player> [duration]:** Mute players with an optional duration.

6. **Godmode (/godmode):**
- Toggle invincibility.
- Ideal for admin tasks or event management.

7. **Game Mode Shortcuts:**
- **/gmc:** Switch to Creative mode.
- **/gms:** Switch to Survival mode.
- **/gma:** Switch to Adventure mode.
- **/gmsp:** Switch to Spectator mode.

8. **Kick All (/kickall <reason>):**
- Efficiently remove all players from the server with a customizable reason.
- Useful for server maintenance or urgent situations.

9. **Teleport Requests:**
- **/tpa <player>:** Request to teleport to another player.
- **/tpaccept:** Accept a teleport request.
- **/tpdeny:** Deny a teleport request.
- **/tpacancel:** Cancel your teleport request.

10. **Broadcast (/broadcast <message>):**
- Send important announcements to all players via chat, title, and subtitle.

11. **Weather Control (/weather <clear|rain|thunder>):**
- Change the server weather to clear, rain, or thunder.
- Useful for creating the perfect atmosphere for events.

12. **Player Information (/seen <player>):**
- View detailed information about when a player was last online, their IP address, and more.


AdminManager is designed to be highly efficient, ensuring minimal impact on server performance. Each command is optimized for quick execution, providing a seamless experience for administrators and players alike.

The plugin comes with a comprehensive configuration file, allowing you to customize messages and settings to suit your server's needs. Default messages can be replaced with your own, enabling a personalized touch to all admin interactions.

**Example Configuration:**

deleted: "&c&lMessages have been deleted by:&f&l "
vanish: "&c&lVanish enabled."
unvanish: "&c&lVanish disabled."
flyoff: "&c&lFly disabled."
flyon: "&c&lFly enabled."
health: "&c&lHealth"
healthtwo: "&c&lYour Health level was changed to %maxhealth%"
ban: "&c&lYou have been banned: %reason%"
banned: "&c&lPlayer %player% has been banned."
kick: "&c&lYou have been kicked: %reason%"
kicked: "&c&lPlayer %player% has been kicked."
mute: "&c&lPlayer %player% has been muted."
unmute: "&c&lPlayer %player% has been unmuted."
muted: "&c&lYou have been muted."
unmuted: "&c&lYou have been unmuted."
no_permission: "&c&lWait! You don't have permission to do this :("
player_not_found: "&c&lPlayer not found."
usage_ban: "&c&lUsage: /ban <player> <reason>"
usage_kick: "&c&lUsage: /kick <player> <reason>"
usage_mute: "&c&lUsage: /mute <player>"
godmode_on: "&c&lGodmode enabled."
godmode_off: "&c&lGodmode disabled."
tpa_request_sent: "&a&lTeleport request sent to %player%."
tpa_request_received: "&a&l%player% wants to teleport to you. Use /tpaccept or /tpdeny."
tpa_accepted: "&a&lTeleport request accepted. Teleporting in %time% seconds..."
tpa_denied: "&c&lTeleport request denied."
tpa_no_request: "&c&lYou have no pending teleport requests."
teleport_delay: 5


AdminManager uses a permission-based system to control access to its features, ensuring that only authorized users can execute specific commands.

**Example Permissions:**
- `` - Permission to clear chat.
- `am.v` - Permission to use vanish mode.
- `` - Permission to toggle fly mode.
- `` - Permission to adjust player health.
- `am.ban` - Permission to ban players.
- `am.kick` - Permission to kick players.
- `am.mute` - Permission to mute players.
- `am.godmode` - Permission to toggle godmode.
- `am.gamemode` - Permission to change game modes.
- `am.kickall` - Permission to kick all players.
- `am.tpa` - Permission to request teleport.
- `am.broadcast` - Permission to broadcast messages.
- `` - Permission to change the weather.
- `am.seen` - Permission to see player information.


AdminManager is a robust and versatile plugin that no server admin should be without. With its extensive range of features, configurability, and performance optimizations, it is the ultimate tool for effective server management. Download AdminManager today and take your server administration to the next level!


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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 151
First Release: Jul 2, 2024
Last Update: Jul 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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