ActionSpeed Documentation For version 1.4 or greater
Installing the plugin Like all Minecraft plugins, paste the JAR file into the server plugin folder (SERVER/plugins)
Configuration As of version 1.4, there is a configuration file with two fields. You can find this file in SERVER/plugins/ActionSpeed/config.yml. The two nodes are runinvehicles and destroyplayerdataonleave. runinvehicles sets if the plugin is allowed to display speeds while in vehicles. Since OnVehicleMove may call more frequently than OnPlayerMove, disabling this may improve performance if you are having issues. destroyplayerdataonleave is defaulted to OFF. If set to TRUE, a player's speedometer settings will be deleted when they leave the game.
Configuration may be updated with /as reload
Permissions ActionSpeed has two permissions nodes: actionspeed.speedometer and actionspeed.admin. actionspeed.speedometer gives a player control over their own personal speedoemter. actionspeed.admin gives the ability to reload the configuration, shutdown, and restart the plugin.
Commands Actionspeed has one command with aliases. The commands are /actionspeed, /speedometer, and /as. Sub-commands of this are as follows: (the root command may be substitued for an alias)
/as Displays Plugin version information
/as toggle Toggle on and off the speedometer
/as setunits (unitstr) Set the displayed speed unit to one of the listed units: (m/s) (default) (m/min) (km/h) (mi/h) (mi/min) (ft/s) (knots)
/as allowcolour (yes/no) Enable or disable speedometer colour
/as dumpdata Meant for admins only. Prints out internal contents and each player's settings
/as reload Meant for admins only. Reloads the configuration from config.yml
/as forceshutdown Meant for admins only. Physically disables plugin by shutting off Event Listener. If you are experiencing performance issues, run this
/as restart Meant for admins only. Re-registers the Listener after it has been shut down.