AAC icon

AAC -----

Augmentative and Alternative Communication - Chat Accessibility

AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. This complicated name stands for something simple; any means to support a person in expressing themselves. Generally these are ways to communicate in addition to, or replacing speech. From low-tech solutions such as writing or picture boards, to high-tech systems like Stephen Hawking’s speech-generating device.

This plugin is fully configurable with all options and output determined by values in the config.yml file. This allows server owners to provide their own options and in their own languages.

Output in console/logs will resemble normal chat but will be preceded by the line: " [AAC]: {playername} is using AAC to generate the following text in chat" so that staff can be aware that the player said it with the help of the AAC.

To begin, type: /aac get

Since the idea is to give access to someone who may struggle to use a keyboard, we understand that using a command to get the AAC Tool might prove to be its own challenge. For this, we offer alternatives, such as:
  • The AAC Tool does not have to be retrieved via command. You can simply have some available for a player to get somewhere. Staff get one with the command and then copy them in Creative Mode to provide for players.
  • The AAC Tool can be "given" to a player by staff with the command: /aac give {player}
  • /aac
    • Permission: aac.help
  • /aac get
    • Permission: aac.get
  • /aac open
    • Permission: aac.open
  • /aac give {player}
    • Permission: aac.give
  • /aac reload
    • Permission: aac.reload
This plugin was written by Stuart Duncan for the Autcraft Minecraft community, and it is shared in the hopes that server owners everywhere can provide their players with this tool in an endeavour to increase accessibility for everyone.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 276
First Release: Mar 27, 2024
Last Update: Apr 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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