What's new?
- Added the Ender army ability! When this ability is used, a configurable number of endermen are spawned, which attack any entity that has attacked the owner of the dragon! The endermen can also optionally have a custom name!
- The new ability is of course optional and access is granted through the permission petdragon.ability.ender-army.
- The enderman spawned are automatically removed after a configurable duration.
- Added a command to automatically ride the nearest dragon! Simply do /dragon ride and you will be teleported to the passenger seat of your nearest dragon in the current world.
- It is now possible to specify a world blacklist, where nobody is able to spawn or remove any dragons. You will likely not need this, since for most applications this could already be achieved through permissions.
- This plugin now optionally shows a message in the actionbar whenever a player tries to use an ability that is still in its cooldown period.
- Added lots of messages for the new command and ability, as well as various codebase improvements.
How to update?
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Make sure to
remove the previous version of this plugin. Now
restart (not reload) your server and you are done! The new settings will be added to your configuration automatically.