This plugin has worked well for quite some time, but with the past few updates, I've found that whenever I try to change the drop chance, it starts dropping heads every time something is killed no matter the drop chance I set it to and I have to fully reset the plugin to make it stop (I did not have this issue until a few updates ago). I'm unsure why it happens, but suggest that people move forward with the knowledge that you might have issues if you change the drop rates
This plugin worked fine for a few weeks, then suddenly without being changed or altered every single mob started to drop their heads, even though I have mob heads removed from the config.
At this point i tried adjusting permissions so that default players simply didn't have perms to get mob heads, but permissions had no effect, and the only two permissions that are listed above that actually are present in game are headdrop.head and headdrop.killer.
I was unable to disable mob heads after this, and swapped to using headsplus.
This plugin does not function reliably and i recommend you use an alternative.
Please make ot so it has a hook for leveledmobs! That would be amazing. Leveledmobs is a great plugin, you should look into ot yourself. Making a hook for it would really compliment your plugin
A very good plugin that deserves to cost money. This plugin works with bedrock and all my players are so happy because of your plugin. Also you can change the drop rate to the mob heads
I think this plugin is great despite previous reviews! Names of heads are specified within the config and you can change them to whatever you want so if there are inconsistencies, it is easily changed within a matter of seconds. Very clean config which is well organised and easy to understand. Is enjoyed heavily by my network and have not experienced any major issues that aren't immediately fixed by the user configuring it. Great job :)
Disgusting and unbearable plugin! I’ve already configured the plugin for myself twice, but it resets the hell out of it every time. Another annoying message is something like: “New update 2.4 has been released!!”
You made an error in the configuration that resulted in a reset.
please update the plugin or disable it in the configuration to suppress the update notification message.
If you require assistance, you are welcome to seek help on the Discord server. Leaving a negative review without first reaching out for assistance does not resolve any issues
Version: 4.23
Add a setting in the configuration so that the update message does not appear, please.
Great lightweight head drop plugin. I enjoy the simplicity of this plugin, and now also with permissions to choose worlds heads drop in. Author also had a quick response and does care about his plugin. Great work!
Best HeadDrop plugin I ever seen, I was searching for a headdrop plugin which drop head with variant. I do what I want. Thanks developer for this plugin ;)