Had to double-post this update as I accidentally updated the wrong build to Spigot. If have downloaded MMOInv 1.9 on October 23-24 please redownload it! If your console indicates "MMOInventory" you are using the right build. If it still indicates "RPGInventory" you are using an out of date build!
New Features
- Support for MMOProfiles proxy-based profiles
- The plugin is now called MMOInventory and no longer RPGInventory. You will have to rename your plugin folder to MMOInventory!
- Fixed an issue with SQL database initialization
- Option to disable Oraxen file gen
- Support for adventure color syntax
- Slot restrictions now work on vanilla slots
- More options for SQL data storage. To see them, please regen your config.yml
- When shift clicking items to equip them, priority is now given to items which appear first in the items.yml config file
- Death drops now support MMOItems soulbound system, as well as the "no drop" item option
- New command for exporting data to SQL /mmoinv export-data
- Inventory icons now display nicely when using no-custom-inventory option along with MMOProfiles
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a display bug when holding an item in offhand
- Fixed player data sometimes not saving when using /restart
- Fixed a dupe issue when placing an inv button on the player's hotbar
As always, don't forget to leave a rating if you like our work <3
Compatible Builds: MythicLib 1.7 - MMOItems 6.10 - MMOCore 1.13 - MMOProfiles 1.1 - MMOInventory 1.9