SpawnerControl icon

SpawnerControl -----

Take Control Of Your Spawners


With SpawnerControl you have complete control over any vanilla creature spawner in Minecraft.

What does Spawner Control do?
  • Allows you to spawn mobs from spawners under any conditions
  • Uses vanilla mob spawners, does not modify them (except for optional naming)

You want a slime spawner? You bet
You want zombie spawners that only work during the day? Yup!

SpawnerControl currently has only been tested in Minecraft 1.18 and 1.19, however it should work on any version 1.14 and newer.

  • Restrict spawners by world, entity type, spawner name and WorldGuard region
  • Customize spawner attributes. This includes the following:
    • allowed light levels
    • player required range
    • min spawn delay
    • max spawn delay
    • max nearby entities
    • spawn count
    • spawner delay
    • air spawning (allow to spawn mobs in the air)
  • Works on vanilla spawners, you do not need to change them or add new ones.
  • Optionally can apply nbt tags to mobs as they spawn. Requires NBTAPI -

How does SpawnerControl Work?
First, any existing mob spawners are discovered in the world. This is done when a chunk is loaded into memory and when a player places a mob spawner. SpawnerControl tracks the locations of these spawners. If a discovered spawner meets the criteria as defined in the configuration, then it becomes active. When a spawner is active then it runs custom code which mimics vanilla mob spawner behavior but it ignores things such as light level, mob spawning rules, etc.

Will SpawnerControl impact server performance?
SpawnerControl has been designed with performance in mind. When possible everything is done asynchronously.
Discovered spawners are cached when the chunk is loaded. When the chunk is eventually unloaded then loaded again, it doesn't need to be enumerated again since the spawners in that chunk were previously cached. When a chunk with active spawners is unloaded, SpawnerControl deactivates them.

How to install
  1. Drop the jar file in your plugins directory.
  2. Restart your server.
  3. Edit the config.yml file. By default only slime spawners are enabled.

Feature requests, questions and support
For feature requests, you can either open a GitHub issue or you can go to Discord. Support and questions are best answered in the Discord as well. Optionally you can email [email protected]

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config.yml snippet:

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,055
First Release: Jan 2, 2022
Last Update: Oct 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings