BlockRegen 3.5.5 - fixed plugin disabling itself without Jobs
- added chances for replace-block and regenerate-into.
( ex.: regenerate-into: GOLD_ORE:30;IRON_ORE:20;COAL_ORE // there always has to be a default to go to, if there's only one block provided, it will be a 100% chance, even if you configure the chance ) - updated default Blocklist.yml with a working example - fixed a few bugs, did more cleanup.
BlockRegen 3.5.4 - added the possibility to chain blocks
( for ex. coal -> stone (temp) -> iron -> stone (temp) -> coal ) - fixed language issues
( if it's not working for you, save your contents, delete the file and let it regenerate, everything should be in the "Messages" section ) - added Jobs support
( reward players for breaking blocks, enable by putting Jobs-Rewards: true into Settings.yml ) - added Residence support
( respect Residence protection, enable by putting Residence-Support: true into Settings.yml ) - redid default Blocklist.yml and added examples for block chaining
- minor bugfixes and code cleanup
As always big thanks to Wertik the developer of this plugin and for support visit the discord.