Discord-Linker icon

Discord-Linker -----

View minecraft inventories inside Discord, execute commands, add a chat-bridge and more!

Version: 3.3
From what I can tell, it's good, but I can't install it on my server, because I use 1.8.8. Please consider making a version of the plugin for this version.
Author's response
We're working on supporting earlier versions as well in the near-future so stay tuned for that!

Version: 3.3
friendly developer, fixed an issue that has happened because of another plugin in dms by creating a version just for my server
Author's response
Hey 8Bit :D
Thanks for the positive review!

Version: 3.2
Works amazing for my MelonCube server. Great alternative to Discordsrv which I could not install because I couldn't access config files. Only thing I think would be great to add is discord authentication that is as simple as installing as this. Great work!
Author's response
That's great to hear!
Since the latest update, you can now set up a role that players must have to join a server. If people join and are not yet connected they will be shown a code that they can DM the bot to connect their Discord account. Is that the feature you've been looking for?

If not, feel free to make a suggestion in our support server: https://discord.gg/rX36kZUGNK

Version: 3.2
Excellent resource something I needed for my server. Looked through src looking organized and clean, keep it up!
Author's response
Thank you very much for your review!
I always try to keep my code as clean as possible :)

Version: 3.1.1
Help. It say "an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" plus sorry for my english plz help me
Author's response
Please reach out to us on our support server: https://discord.gg/rX36kZUGNK

Version: 3.0.1
Hi. Congratulations for this excellent work.
Now my friends can speak me in Discord and I can read messages and answers it (directly in game) !
Wonderful. We choice informations to share : Dead, success, server's messages...
Author's response
Thanks for your positive feedback!
We are glad you like our plugin!

Version: 2.3
Any way of using this without extra port plz tell :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Author's response
We are happy to announce that since the update 3.0, you are able to connect your server easily without the need of an extra port!

Version: 2.1.2
Great plugin, just wish it could get on aternos, make this plugin more popular everyone!
Author's response
The update 3.0 removed the need of an extra port and the plugin can now be added on aternos using this link: https://aternos.org/addons/a/spigot/98749

Version: 1.3.2
The nicest Discord Minecraft Server Smp Assistant Bot Is Really Helpful And Excellent!
Author's response
Thank your for your positive feedback :DD

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,923
First Release: Dec 28, 2021
Last Update: Oct 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Find more info at mclinker.com...
Version -----
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