AdvancedPlHide [1.8-1.21.1] - Manage your tab completer icon

AdvancedPlHide [1.8-1.21.1] - Manage your tab completer -----

A Plugin that Allows you to remove parts of tab completion, and hide plugins from the tabcompleter!

Version: 2.5
Плагин отличный!
НО есть проблемы спама в консоли, вот пример
[17:15:11 ERROR]: [AdvancedPlHide] Unhandled exception occurred in onPacketSending(PacketEvent) for AdvancedPlHide
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "dev.bluetree242.advancedplhide.spigot.modern.ModernHandler.writeSuggestions(, com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.StructureModifier, com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.Suggestions)" because the return value of "dev.bluetree242.advancedplhide.spigot.AdvancedPlHideSpigot.getModernHandler()" is null
[17:15:11 ERROR]: Parameters:

Version: 2.5
The plugin is good but protocolize do not work fine under velocity and give a lot of errors.

Version: 2.5
Just wanted to thank you so much, this works awesome and is so easy to install when you already have luckperms!

Version: 2.5
THE BEST tab complete and hide plugins plugin I used.Highly recommended, all of my servers have installed this plugin.Very efficient and lightweight, one plugin can instead of lots of plugins!

Version: 2.5
The plugin works excellent, it is not difficult to understand and it is very easy to configure it, it is too simple and does what it promises. 5/5

Could you please add something to edit the properties in F3, as well as to directly block commands that are not on the whitelist? That is, currently with the white list it does not appear in the tab, but players can enter the command and execute it normally.

Version: 2.5
THE BEST tab complete plugin ever. Really easy to setup. Thank you for this resource. 5 STAR

Version: 2.5
SIMPLY, the B.E.S.T. I'm really grateful for this amazing developer for making this plugin free of cost, I can't stress how beneficial it is to be able to access such plugin, much love!!!! I would love to support you in the future :3

Version: 2.4
Seems to work, would be nice to have it have a blocked commands section, and it would be nice if the PL Hider covered version commands (ver, version, i canhasbukkit)
Author's response
It does cover version commands, not execution but it covers the tab-complete, it can't be used to gather plugin list. Also, blocked commands is a feature provided by many other plugins on spigotmc, This plugin is lightweight and it only has 1 purpose, To control tab completions like ever before.

Version: 2.4
The plugin is lovely and simple to use, the wiki explains in short terms what needs to be done and when tested all worked fine with no issues, props to the developer (and other if assisted) for making this plugin.
Author's response

Version: 2.4
easy, simple and fast to understand and configure compared to other plugins. Good job
Author's response
Thanks. This review made my day!

Version: 2.4
Where can I ask for support need some help with home tabbing

Outside of that great plugin ti works great really good!
Author's response
oh sorry i forgot to update the support button url

here is support

Version: 2.4
Great plugin I've been looking for a long time! and i have to add that this is the fastest support I've ever met! even the smallest problem bluetree made sure to fix it quickly
Recommend other servers to use it! 10/10
Author's response

Version: 2.4
Developer takes 1 century to answer anything, Every update implements more bugs.
Author's response yup it takes ages to respond, where the maximum time it took to respond was 2 hours sure.

And yeah sure every update implements more bugs, you can even know that there is no bug at all, lmfao.

fake review.

Version: 2.3
Great Plugin. I've been using it for a few days. Works perfectly and the best part is its free.
Author's response

Version: 2.3
So glad the owner brought it back ignore the negative reviews they are ether outdated or false
Author's response

Version: 2.2
Really good plugin i suggest to get this Ive been a beta tester for a while and this is worth alot
Author's response

Version: 2.0
Excellent alternative! Additionally, amazing source! Good job. Would recommend instead of paying just to hide your plugins from players!
Author's response

Version: 2.0
Good plugin, checked source code and it proofs that this plugin is not plagiarism and was coded by blue tree himself.
Author's response

Version: 2.0
This is a good plug-in I’ve been a beta tester and it’s sad to see people review bad stuff when they haven’t tried it. I Even saw frist hand him write it
Author's response

Version: 2.0
to all not smart people from bad reviews, this plugin is 100% written by blue and he has full rights to make it and post it
Author's response

Version: 2.0
This plugin is a copy of a paid plugin, you have to bear the consequences of doing the wrong things
Author's response
this is the free version of the paid plugin, i have the full right to do that.

Version: 2.0
Clone of Pl-Hide-Pro. Even some of the graphics on the resource page are stolen from the original.
Author's response
I don't think the reviews section is for the description. Also, Pl-Hide-Pro is paid, people need a free one and here it is

Version: 2.0

Q: Why does it need ProtocolLib (and to work with packets) if there's a "getCommand("command").setTabCompleter(new TabCompleter());"?
Author's response
First, it yet does not support sub-args so this won't work. With the tab complete event i won't have my full control over the commands. To have full control, i need to use Packets. Thanks for your review!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,765
First Release: Dec 24, 2021
Last Update: Apr 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings