Added more webmap compatibility (beta), territories descriptions, fixed huge errors
The config.yml, the locale files and the storage will have some little changes. Your actual files will be still compatible and your storage will be updated automatically.
Added multiple webmaps compatibility and fixed multiple errors
Added new territory data:
`type-display`: A formatted display of the territory type
`description`: A list of lines to describe a territory in depth to the users.
Changed "dynmap" terms in configs and locales as "webmaps" (dynmap-named locations should be still compatible) * Added possibility to use multiple webmaps plugin at the same time, by default using every compatible plugins with "auto" (Dynmap is functional, BlueMap and SquareMap are in alpha)
Fixed an error that could occures if dynmap is loaded AFTER nodewar -> Nodewar now garranties to charge after all webmaps plugins
Fixed an error upon creating a new team or editing team colors
Fixed an issue where updating data from admin commands does not update the database
Fixed an issue where it was impossible to change the world of a territory AFTER its creation on database
Removed the "world" column on the territory table on database to free space (also fixing the previous issue)