No database (Elevators are determined by block arrangements, nothing more)
No commands needed
Elevators can be triggered via button
Mirgration from the old Lift plugin
Basically, the elevators used with Lift should be compatible with LiftReloaded.
Note, that there is a new config.yml file in plugins/LiftReloaded/config.yml you should check and compare with plugins/Lift/config.yml. When you transferred your configuration, you can safely delete the plugins/Lift directory.
Music If you want to play music during a ride with an elevator with music baseBlocks, you have also to provide the
NoteBlockAPI in your plugins directory. Place .nbs files into plugins/LiftReloaded/music that will be played in a random fashion when a player rides a lift with a music base block as configured in config.yml. Example for NOTE_BLOCK:
# the maximum count of blocks for a lift shaft (the shape doesn't matter) maxLiftArea: 16
# the maximum block height (y-coordinate) a lift should work maxHeight: 256
# the minimum block height (y-coordinate) a lift should work minHeight: 0
# debug-mode logs more output on the console and is useful when having trouble debug: false
# with autoPlace enabled, elevater passengers will be teleported to the center of the shaft before the ride begins autoPlace: false
# a player are pushed back of a running lift when the player does not participate the ride preventEntry: false
# a player cannot leave the lift shaft during a ride preventLeave: true
# if enabled, also entities are transported liftMobs: true
# with mouseScroll enabled: players can right click and scroll on a lift sign to select a destination floor. Right click again to save the selection. mouseScroll: true
# After [secondsUntilTimeout] seconds, all passengers will be teleported to the current ride destination. This prevents passengers being caught at a stuck position. secondsUntilTimeout: 2
# block types that can be used for elevator floors (not the base) floorBlocks: - GLASS
"*_STAINED_GLASS" # block types that can be used for elevator base floors. Each base block can have a speed value greater than 0. With "music: true" the elevator will play a random music .nbs file inside the music directory. baseBlocks:
- type: IRON_BLOCK
speed: 0.5
- type: NOTE_BLOCK
speed: 0.2
music: true
# block types that can be used as an interactive block (e.g. button) to trigger an elevator start buttonBlocks: -
"*BUTTON" # sign block types for display current floor and destination signBlocks: -
"*WALL_SIGN" # valid blocks that are allowed to be present inside an elevator shaft without preventing the elevator being started shaftBlocks: - LADDER
# redstone enabled, an elevator can also be activated via redstone input into the block attached to the button redstone: false
# with sound enabled, you will hear a discreet noise during ride and a pling on arrival soundEnabled: true
# the sound volume should be positive and not greater than 100 soundVolume: 100
# you can change chat messages and sign titles in this section messages:
destination: "&7Destination" currentFloor: "&7Current Floor" cantEnter: "&7Can't enter elevator in use" cantLeave: "&7Can't leave elevator in use" oneFloor: "&7There is only one floor." unsafe: "&cIt is unsafe to leave a vehicle in a lift!" floorNotExists: "&cFloor does not exist. Check shaft for blockage" scrollSelectEnabled: "&7Scrollable floor selection enabled. Click on sign with an item for default mode" scrollSelectDisabled: "&7Scrollable floor selection disabled" timeout: "&7You have been teleported to destination due to timeout" # config version used for internal purposes only - never change manually! configVersion: 2