LevelTools - RPG Item Leveling icon

LevelTools - RPG Item Leveling -----

A plugin that adds a leveling system to tools, swords, and bows.

Refactored config to support more advanced XP level increase functions.
Config was changed so please update it accordingly.
Increased support for level XP multiplier so it can use both "ADD" and "MULTIPLY" to calculate the next XP required for level up.

Code (YAML):
# @Deprecated
#level_multiplier: 100.0

# The amount of XP needed to get from level 0 to level 1.
: 100.0

# The increase in amount of XP needed to get from level to level.
# Ex: If we are on level 1 and the level_xp_start is on 100.0 and the mode is ADD with 100.0, it would take 200.0 XP to get to level 2 from level 1.
# Ex 2: If we are on level 1 and the level_xp_start is on 100.0 and the mode is MULTIPLY with 2.0, it would take 200.0 XP to get to level 2 from level 1.
: "ADD" # Modes: "ADD" or "MULTIPLY"
: 100.0
----------, Nov 26, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32,120
First Release: Nov 10, 2021
Last Update: Jun 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
26 ratings
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