BedWars1058 - OpenSource icon

BedWars1058 - OpenSource -----

Custom teams, Custom scoreboards, Custom shop, individual language, custom team upgrades.

tab & scoreboard new features, tnt glass protection fix and many more
La multi ani romanilor de pretutindeni!

We are still updating our documentation regarding this update.
This update might affect your scoreboard and tab messages, if you encounter problems please delete you scoreboard message path from the language file, it will regenerate properly.

Join our Discord Server, we're here to help, but be kind, we're volunteers.

For server owners:
  1. (we spent a lot of time on this) Sidebar and Tab improvements, session stats remake by @andrei1058 in #845
    New internal placeholders for tab and sidebar:
    • {teamStatus} your team's status (same as sidebar);
    • {teamName} your team's name (not colorized);
    • {teamColor} your team's color for text formatting;
    • {teamLetter} first letter from your team name.

    In-game tab placeholders now a individual like in the waiting state. Before this update using placeholders in tab list prefix-suffix during playing state would have applied it on all teammates because of tab-order policies. We finally managed to keep tab ordered in a different way and allow individual tab-list formatting.

    New placeholder for tab and sidebar during restarting phase:
    • {winnerTeamName} winner team name (not colorized);
    • {winnerTeamColor} winner team's color for text formatting;
    • {winnerTeamLetter} winner team'sfirst letter.

    - add new {poweredBy} placeholder that can be used in sidebar/ tab and arena selector GUI;
    - add new option in main config to toggle health bellow name:;

    New configuration paths (config.yml), but you can replicate them in the arena yml file to override the main configuration:
    • - show eliminated players(spectators) to spectators (that have joined only to spectate);

    • game-end.teleport-eliminated - teleport spectators to random alive players when the game has ended;

    • - used to show top players for the ended game in a chat message. Order game-end top players by given statistic. default options are: kills, finalKills, deaths, finalDeaths and bedsDestroyed, but add-ons can register their own statistics;

    • - hide surplus of top stats lines shown chat when cannot display values because players were less than top-status lines;

    • - used to show top players for the ended game on scoreboard or tab-header-footer messages. Order game-end top players by given statistic. default options are: kills, finalKills, deaths, finalDeaths and bedsDestroyed, but add-ons can register their own statistics;

    • - hide surplus of top stats lines shown in scoreboard or tab-header-footer messages when cannot display values because players were less than top-status lines

  2. fix kill error #760 by @JT122406 in #792
  3. add placeholders {team} and {teamColor} to display the player team and its corresponding colors on the teleporter by @Lsy-291 in #796

  4. reduce some race conditions with IArena#getStatus by @skbeh in #775

  5. add support for 1.19_R3 by @Tom18314 in #761

  6. fix dropping and picking up items if main lobby is set on shared mode by @andrei1058 in #805

  7. fix bug where Dream Defender and Bed Bug were spawning at player's location instead of where they clicked by @PmzHeroV69 in #813

  8. add 1.20 R2 support by @andrei1058 in #814

  9. fix ASWM support by @andrei1058 in #817

  10. world restore adapters update by @andrei1058 in #820

  11. add 1.19 R3 and 1.20 R1 support

  12. add support for Advanced Slime World Manager (legacy) - only v2.8.0

  13. add support for Advanced Slime Paper (v.2.10.0) - mc 1.20

  14. (we spent a lot of time on this) glass protection barrier rework by @andrei1058 @IIHERO4 in #469 (It was possible to break the protection of the bed with TNT or FireBall, even if it is "protected" by glass)

  15. fix default tower item by @ImYenil in #831

  16. change heal pool work by @ImYenil in #832

  17. fix heal pool not working by @ImYenil in #829

  18. fix magic miner upgrade by @ImYenil in #830

  19. fix sword upgrade by @ImYenil in #828

  20. fix Parties getParty with player UUID by @AlessioDP in #860

  21. add 1.20 r2 support by @andrei1058 in #896

  22. fix PAF Null issue by @JT122406 in #853

  23. fix disablearena command by @ImYenil in #839

  24. correct silverfish name by @ImYenil in #840

  25. fix block protection by @ImYenil in #841

  26. SpoilPlayerTNTFeature code improvements by @ImYenil in #892

  27. improve fallback system for missing level.dat when converting worlds into Slime format. by @andrei1058 in #907

  28. slime format conversion improvement (#908) by @andrei1058 in #911


New Contributors

For developers:

Deprecations for removal:
    (and other scoreboard related messages)
  • IArena#getPlayerKills
  • IArena#getPlayerBedsDestroyed
  • IArena#addPlayerDeath
  • IArena#addPlayerKill
  • IArena#addPlayerBedDestroyed
  • IArena#getPlayerDeaths
  • Sidebar#isTabFormattingDisabled
If you have any addons that allow players to switch teams, you need to re-send the sidebar so new placeholders will apply.

API changes:
  • add ITeam#getWinner - retrieve the game winner when game ending state is declared;
  • add IArena#getStatsHolder - here you can register new game statistics. They are not persisted, will only be kept for the game session and server owners will be able to use your custom stats in game-end tops such as top kill chat message, or for e.g. top lucky blocks collector in tab or scoreboard;
  • add ITeam#getIdentity - runtime identifier for a team;
  • PlayerKillEvent keeps trace of victim and killer team now.
  • add DefaultStatistics (enum of default registered stats)
  • add GameStatistic<T> - game statistic interface, use this to create your own statistic.
  • add GameStatsHolder - holds stats for a game session, this is where you register your own statistic.
  • add GameStatisticProvider<T extends GameStatistic<?>> - factory of your own GameStatistic<T>
  • add PlayerGameStats - container of a specific player statistics.
  • add annotation GameMainOverridable to mark main configuration that can be overidden by replicating the path in the arena yaml
  • add new overloading for ISIdebar#giveUpdateTabFormat

Thank you very much if you reached this line, I spent also a lot of time on writing this changelog. With love and monster energy from Rome. Please join my Discord :*
----------, Dec 1, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 182,550
First Release: Nov 1, 2021
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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