Hello peeps
It's been a while since my last update to ClansLite. This is because I have been very busy almost completely rewriting the plugin to make it more efficient and reliable.
To that end, I have decided to drop support for servers below 1.16.5 as they lack some of the methods that I now rely on for functionality.
If you do encounter any bugs, please join our Discord and open a Support-Ticket and supply the requested information and we WILL do our best to solve your issue.
(Any bugs posted in the review section WILL be ignored!)
If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.
- Updated GitHub repository.
- Updated plugin dependencies.
- Removed PlugManX dependency.
- Added new ClansLiteAPI class.
- Added new `AsyncClanPrefixChangeEvent`.
- Added new `AsyncClanPvpToggleEvent`.
- Added new `AsyncChestBreakEvent`.
- Added new MessageUtils.
- Added new prefix variable to `messages.yml`.
- Refactored all API events to run asynchronously.
- Refactored ALL API classes to me.loving11ish.clans.api.events.
- Rewritten ALL plugin message responses to use new MessageUtils.
- Downgraded SpigotAPI to `1.16.5`.
- Removed server version support below `1.16.5`.
- Added new ReloadingUtils system.
- Added new `ReloadingUtils.isCurrentlyReloading()` method.
- Optimised all plugin imports.
- Added new top Clans List.
- Added new top Clan Players list.
- Added new variables to `messages.yml`.
- Changed the ClansLiteAPI methods to be non-static.
- The new `ClansLiteAPI.java` MUST be instantiated before methods can be used.
- Added new `ClansStorageUtil.isClanOwner(OfflinePlayer offlinePlayer)` method.
- Fixed creation of a new clan with name containing characters.
- Added new ability to disband clan using clan name.
- Added new `/clanadmin disband byname <clan-name>`.
- Added new `clan-not-found` string to `messages.yml`.
- Added new `ClanStorageUtil.findClanByClanName()` method.
- Added new `ClansLiteAPI.getClanByClanName()` method.
- Implemented clanPrefix length check to not include colour codes (@TechnicallyCoded).
- Added new `ClansStorageUtil.stripClanPrefixColorCodes()` method.
- Fixed new `/clanadmin disband byclanname: <clan>` command throwing player not found.
- Added new `incorrect-disband-by-name-command-usage` to `messages.yml`.
- Fixed potential NPE in ClanListGUI.
- Removed auto updating task for ClanListGUI.
- Added new `ClansLiteAPI.getClansLiteDevelopmentBuildRepository()` method.
- Changed plugin version to `1.4.4`.