Hello peeps
This is a fairly simple update but it now adds dynamic checking for offline servers(cracked) and fixes bugs caused by them.
If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.
Updated GitHub repository.
Updated FoliaLib to `0.3.1`.
Removed deprecated `org.bukkit.util.Consumer`.
Refactored `menusystem` package.
Refactored `updatesystem` package.
Added SimpleHTTPWrapper dependency.
Added dynamic check for offline servers/networks.
Added new `websocketutils` package.
Added new `MojangAPIRequestUtils` class.
Added new `MojangAPIRequestUtils.canGetOfflinePlayerData` method.
Added new `PlayerPreConnectionEvent` listener.
Fixed chest and GUI system checks bug.
Made FoliaLib a single instance reference.
Added two new methods to retrieve clan data by ClanPlayer.
Added firing of `ClanHomeTeleportEvent` when not running on Folia.
Small code cleanup.
Changed plugin version to `1.4.2`.