This time, as per the title, ClansLite now natively supports 1.19.3API.
Thanks once again to
GameKuchen for moving the subcommands to separate classes which make it easier to maintain and add new features!
I have now also added
4 new API events for all you devs out there. I am currently working on creating a wiki fo how to use the API, for now please see the previous update post for how to integrate into your project.
Thank you all for your continued support!
If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.
Change-log: Updated GitHub repository.
Thanks to GameKuchen for moving subcommands to separate classes.
Added ClanHomeCreateEvent to API.
Added ClanHomeDeleteEvent to API.
Added ClanHomePreTeleportEvent to API.
Added new ClanHomeTeleportEvent to API.
Changed PlaceholderAPI expansion version to `1.3.4`.
Changed plugin version to `1.3.4`.