Upgrading from v1.x?
Follow these steps!
HuskSync 2.0 is now available! This is a complete rewrite of the plugin that brings with it a myriad of new features, improvements & optimisations. Notably, you no longer need to install HuskSync as a proxy plugin as data is now cached directly via Redis keys.
New features
- Data rotation! The plugin can now store multiple snapshots of user data per player and will automatically rotate them
- You can restore, delete and pin user data. Peace of mind if something happens to go wrong.
- You can configure how many snapshots to save
- Commands: /userdata <view/list/delete/restore/pin>
- New user data format, new database schema, improved data serialization using Gson and compression via Snappy
- New, faster synchronisation system, utilising Redis key caching for optimal server switching
- Added support for synchronising player PersistentDataContainers.
- Added an integration that allows you to view user data on your Plan (Player Analytics) web panel if you have it installed
- Added support for tweaking network latency on a per-server basis
- API v2: There's an all-new and more comprehensive Developer API
- Events have been renamed and repackaged, and there is also a new BukkitDataSaveEvent
- Documentation now provides better walkthrough examples
- HuskSync no longer requires a proxy plugin. You now only need to install it to your backend Spigot servers
- /husksync invsee and /husksync echest have been moved into their own commands; /inventory <player> and /enderchest <player> respectively.
- There are now less restrictions when using these commands
- There are now permission nodes to restrict editing a player's latest data snapshot
- The plugin permission nodes have changed. Check here for the new ones
- SQLite is no longer supported. A MySQL Database is now required (although most people already used MySQL anyway)
- Removed /husksync status (it is no longer neccessary)
- Added a Brazillian Portugese translation (pt-br), courtesy of mateusneresrb
- Added an Italian translation (it-it), courtesy of xF3d3
- Updated the Spanish translation (es-es), courtesy of Melonzio
- Updated the German translation (de-de), couretsy of Ceddix
- Updated the Simplified Chinese translation (zh-cn), courtesy of DJelly4K
- The plugin locales have changed. If you'd like to update the locales for your native language, please feel free to get in touch or submit a PR on GitHub
To update from 1.x, you need to follow
these steps, including deleting your existing config and language files.
As mentioned, you no longer need to install HuskSync on your proxy.
plugin documentation has been rewritten for v2.0 - please have a read!
HuskSync 2.0 supports Minecraft 1.16.5 - Minecraft 1.19.x
Thank you!