⭐ UnderscoreEnchants ⭐ CREATE CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | 2 GUIs ⚡ icon

⭐ UnderscoreEnchants ⭐ CREATE CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | 2 GUIs ⚡ -----

Create your own enchantments for free. No coding knowledge. Seriously.

Major update 1.10 (aka 1.10.0)
Major update 1.10 is already here!
Update tag: "The Silent Kid Update"

  • Improved the German translation (thanks @mfnalex!)
  • Stopped you from being able to enchant already enchanted items - use anvils, duh
  • Removed all the traces of trident enchantments existence: a newcomer won't even know they existed!
  • Switched to Java 16 completely, now you have to use Java 16 or higher
  • Moved all commands into subcommands of /underscoreenchants (/ue)
This update is the last one this month, and possibly January won't have any updates as well. However, the 2.0 update will bring so much new stuff that UnderscoreEnchants will finally become a competitor to the paid ones.

Be prepared!
----------, Dec 26, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,676
First Release: Oct 21, 2021
Last Update: Jul 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings