Bank⚡INTEREST ✅ 1.8-1.20.4 ⚙️ CUSTOM GUI⚡ MySQL + H2 ⭕ Easy configuration! ⭐ 60% OFF icon

Bank⚡INTEREST ✅ 1.8-1.20.4 ⚙️ CUSTOM GUI⚡ MySQL + H2 ⭕ Easy configuration! ⭐ 60% OFF -----

The best bank system for your server! Even has custom GUIs!

Version: v2.4.0-rc.10
This plugin has a big bug that allows you to duplicate coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the discord Support is not here
Author's response
Fixed in the latest version

Version: v2.4.0-rc.10
Sry but i have to give the plugin a 1 star rev, in the hope that you fix it faster now.
Author's response
Fixed in the latest version

Version: v2.3.20
Good bank plugin for all kind of servers.
Aktive developer.
And a rly good price!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: v2.3.18
I've been looking for such a good plugin for a long time. I can only recommend great support and that it is worth buying in any case
Author's response
Thanks for the review! I am always ready to support any reported issues as quickly as possible!

Version: v2.3.9
I purchased this plugin as a bundle with ModularPVP and have been impressed, I've used it as a bank to balance my server's economy. Great work. Suggestion: Item vault/storage

Version: v2.2.19
Absolutely no complaints at all. The developer went above and beyond to further help me with the problems I was enduring. Very satisfied with my purchase and hope to see many more updates for this plugin in the years to come. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a banking system plugin. Working flawlessly as intended as of 1.20.4 Paper.

Version: v2.2.14
It is a really good Bank plugin, the reason, because it is even better, is that the gamemode creative inventory replace bug is now fixed and that makes it perfect :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review, keep me updated if you encounter any more issues!

Version: v2.2.1
The dude below me is completely wrong, I asked for support and got it within 24 hours, the dev dropped the 1.20.4 update in a single day LMAO. Keep it up!!!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: v2.2.0
Unfortunately this plugin is basically dead. At first it seemed to have everything I needed, but bug after bug, and the dev is completely unresponsive and not helpful..., playing fortnite 24/7 it says on discord lol. the command /bank breaks all players inventories, they can't move or remove items. I could go on and on. It had potential to be something good, maybe by a more active developer. I'm just sad to say my experience with this plugin was THAT bad. lol.
Author's response
Yo! Add my new discord and send over the bug!

Version: v2.2.0
I bought this add-on and when I use the /bank command, when I exit the inventory it freezes and I can't move any item.
Author's response
Yo! Add my new discord and send over the bug!

Version: v2.1.6
I dont recommend using this on a production server while tps drops from 20 to 9 when going back and forth in the GUI. Also there is no ''Great Support'' because I'm getting no responds back on discord while contacting the developer. Do not buy this plugin!
Author's response
Issue has been COMPLETELY resolved, and it was only for MySQL

Version: v2.0.7
Can't say enough how easy and straight forward this plugin is. I started using it back on version one and have been using it on my server since then. my players love the interface. the dev is driven to help out with any issues on discord. I fail to see how anyone would give less then five starts for a plugin that is light weight and works. It is mostly plugin and play with little config needed, but very customizable if you want it.

Version: v1.5.22
not all messages can be modified, such as: $1 added to "player" account. New balance: $2, It is a paid plugin and it is not complete....
Author's response
Those messages are ACTUALLY configurable. Use the messages.yml file

Version: v1.5.20
Excellent plugin with fast support from developer. I can see that the developer is still trying his best to improve the plugin to make it stable and bug free. Good plugin!

Version: v1.5.8
Easy- Light weight- and simple! I've have been bouncing around from one bank plugin to the next to try and find one that work, and works well. The Dev. SlayorPlayz#0001 did a great job with this one. At first I ran into some issues and I reached out to him, He walked me through each part of it and I cant be thankful enough. I have been running my server for the last 5 years my long time players are excited to have a working bank now!

My fav parts of this plugin:
It workout of the box but everything is customizable, Can make players lose 50% of money on player at death, Its very easy to understand as a player!

Great work!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 98
First Release: Oct 20, 2021
Last Update: Jul 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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