Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 3.4.0
As of Minecraft 1.21, Java 21 is required for Paper to run. Plugins can use Java 17 still and that was Honeypot's goal. However, due to certain dependencies being updated to require Java 21 (WorldGuard), I cannot develop on Java 21. Therefore, you MUST run Java 21 as well!

As noted n the previous release, Honeypot as of this version does not support Spigot. Paper is, by far, the most widely used and performant server platform. It's no surprise that it's so widely used either: Paper provides users download links, Spigot requires you to build from source which requires quite a bit of technical know-how. That alone will cause people to gravitate towards it, even if they don't realize that Paper is vastly more performant. Paper is making a hard fork at some point in the future, meaning they will be diverging from the Spigot API, and then I'd have to maintain two versions of the plugin, each with potentially differing feature sets depending on the API availability. Folia is supported currently, but the difference between Folia and Paper is very minute (For the technical people, all I had to do was write a custom Scheduler implementation that utilizes Folia's scheduler instead if the plugin detects it is running on it, otherwise it uses the default Spigot/Paper one). According to bstats, as of typing this only one server is utilizing Spigot anyway.

For these reasons, I have killed support for Spigot and moved fully over to the Paper APIs. If you want to use Honeypot and you are using Spigot, you will need to migrate to Paper. For 99% of users this will be a simple drag-n-drop of the Paper jar in-place of your Spigot jar, no other changes should be necessary. The regular changelog is below!

Honeypot 3.4.0
Honeypot 3.4.0 is a MASSIVE rework of many features, internal APIs, and contains several bug fixes and feature improvements.


  • Adds /honeypot migrate. "Fixes" #188
  • Adds support for custom storage providers
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused Honeypot to crash if PlaceholderAPI and Vault weren't installed, even though these are optional dependencies. Fixes #191
  • Fixed a potential bug where there was a possibility of Honeypot blocks triggering within areas protected by other Claims plugins (GriefPrevention, Lands, WorldGuard). Fixes #192
  • Fixed a bug which caused custom Honeypots defined in honeypots.yml to not be able to trigger their commands.

  • Changed the way Honeypot Blocks are stored in SQLite and PDC.
    • This change has made Honeypot queries and lookups quite literally almost 100% faster. From testing, Honeypot went from taking 22.36% of the tick time to only 0.21%, which comes out to a 97% reduction in processing times. This was done by migrating SQLite to spatial indexing which allows "querying" in 3D space, and migrating PDC to use the native Location#distance() function within the API. To put this into perspective, SQLite and PDC both can now query a 2,000,0003 area (That's eight QUINTILLION blocks) in only a few milliseconds. Before this change, it was impossible to query anything larger than a 103 or 203 without locking up the server. Yay for optimization (And also not doing DB queries the stupid way)! Fixes #187
  • Other minor performance changes and enhancements

  • Spigot support
If you are a developer and have written plugins for Honeypot, please know that they will no longer be supported as of 3.4.0. You will need to do some minor refactoring. Specifically, a new Registry class is available in the API to interact with the Behavior Registry and the new Storage Provider Registry. The TL;DR is: Anywhere you use Honeypot.getRegistry(), change it to Registry.getBehaviorRegistry(). Documentation will come for this new API, I'm working on writing it with Writerside now, and it will be published on a pretty website :)


  • Support for Storage Provider. Honeypot can now add 3rd party storage providers if PDC or SQLite aren't suited for you. However, do note that Honeypot is not written for asynchronicity in mind, so for now storage providers should be synchronous. Network access in your storage provider is not recommended.

  • Refactored some classes. Imports will need updated

  • None
----------, Oct 28, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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