Honeypot 3.2.0
This update adds support for an experimental new storage method, PDC. Persistent Data Containers are an API in Spigot which allow you to store data within Worlds, Chunks, ItemMetas, Entities, TileStates, and Structures. This enables you to store Honeypot data directly in the world instead of the sqlite DB, meaning faster queries and less TPS lag. This is an
experimental feature, and while it's been tested and is working, should still be considered experimental until the next version when I make it a standard feature. To enable it, update the plugin and restart your server, open your config, go allllllllllll the way down the bottom and change storage-method from sqlite to pdc. Then, restart your server one last time.
- Experimental support for utilizing PDC for Honeypots. This currently uses the World to store data, as any other method wasn't feasible.
- A new /honeypot debug command, which is disabled by default and can only be enabled by a config change followed by a server restart. This command is specifically for me to use when developing Honeypot, but may come in handy for other server owners, who knows. So, it's been documented.
Known Bugs:
- None at the moment! Let me know if you find any

- None. The addition of PDC will not affect your plugin if you were using the HoneypotBlockManager to interact with Honeypot. If you were using the SQLite or Database classes for some horribly abusive reason, you will be affected if the server decides to switch to PDC, as these classes, while they will still function, will not have updated data.
Known Bugs:
I gave up on MD5 checksums. I really don't feel like wasting my time generating them. So, from now on those will not be provided. If you ever don't trust a release, build from source, as each of my commits is signed and verifiable with my SSH key (Need my public ed25519 key? Get it
here). It should be relatively easy, just clone the project and gradle build