Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 3.1.0
Honeypot 3.1.0
This one is a pretty large update! This update fixes some bugs, refactors parts of the project to be easier to maintain, adds support for Lands and Placeholder API, removes some limitations from custom Honeypots, and adds 3 new (optional) event listeners for preventing "creative" methods of griefing!


  • Lands is now a supported integration! If Lands is installed on your server, Honeypot will not allow creation of a pot within a claimed Land
  • Placeholder API support is here! You can now use Placeholder API in your custom Honeypots
  • Honeypot now has a built-in Placeholder Extension! These Placeholders allow you to display messages such as "Player has broken 3/5 Honeypots". This would be written as "Player has broken %honeypot_current_count_broken%/%honeypot_breaks_before_action% Honeypots". There are currently three placeholders available:
    • %honeypot_current_count_broken% -- This placeholder displays the count of Honeypots the player has broken this cycle. This means that this value will never be more than blocks-broken-before-action-taken in config.
    • %honeypot_breaks_before_action% -- This placeholder displays the value of blocks-broken-before-action-taken.
    • %honeypot_current_count_broken_<player>% -- This placeholder will get the current amount of Honeypots a specific player has broken this cycle. This value will never be more than blocks-broken-before-action-taken in config.
  • More listeners to prevent creative ways of destroying Honeypots

  • HoneypotConfigManager now shuts down the plugin if it fails to reload using non-deprecated methods
  • /honeypot reload now shuts down the plugin if anything fails during the reload
  • /honeypot reload will now reload the Ghost Honeypot Fixer, which means changes to those settings no longer require a restart. This means that the GHF can now be started or stopped on the fly
  • Config is now version 18
  • Languages files are now version 4 (With the exception of French, which is now version 3). Be sure to update your custom translations, if needed!

  • Custom Honeypots made in honeypots.yml are no longer limited to types. This means that the "type" key is no longer required, and you can have permissions, commands, broadcasts, and messages all in the same honeypot. I put this under "Removals" because the type requirement has been removed
Known Bugs:

  • None at the moment! Let me know if you find any :)
There were a few changes to the internals of Honeypot. None of these should affect you unless you are a maintainer, as you shouldn't be using these methods in your own plugins.


  • None

  • Folia utility classes are now stored in the utils folder
  • An AdapterManager now handles all adapters within the plugin. This is a WIP, and I intend to make this cleaner
  • WorldGuardUtil and GriefPreventionUtil have had the "Util" stripped off and replaced with "Adapter". This makes more sense in my opinion
  • The Update Checker and Supported Version checker now use Java's Consumer instead of Bukkit's Consumer import. Not sure how I missed that, but it's been resolved
  • The Deprecated "log" method within HoneypotLogger has been removed
  • ListenerSetup uses more modern methods to register events. Less duplicated code, but slightly more complex.

  • None
Known Bugs:

  • None
I gave up on MD5 checksums. I really don't feel like wasting my time generating them. So, from now on those will not be provided. If you ever don't trust a release, build from source, as each of my commits is signed and verifiable with my SSH key (Need my public ed25519 key? Get it here). It should be relatively easy, just clone the project and mvn package
----------, Feb 8, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,516
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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