Honeypot Anti-Grief icon

Honeypot Anti-Grief -----

Deterring griefers has never been so sweet

Honeypot 3.0.3
Honeypot 3.0.3
This version fixes some bugs around the block break listener, and also changes some core behavior of the block break functionality


  • None

  • The allow-player-destruction value in config.yml now determines if action is taken at all. If allow-player-destruction is set to true, action will only be taken if A) blocks-broken-before-action-taken is <= 1, or B) the player has reached the blocks-broken-before-action-taken value. This allows Honeypots to be broken without triggering events, if the staff still choose. If you had blocks-broken-before-action-taken set to 1 or less and/or had allow-player-destruction disabled, this won't affect you. If it was set to a greater value and you had player destruction enabled anyway, then this WILL affect you, as your Honeypots will silently disappear upon breaking. Check the download page for more info!
  • Fixed some issues with the Honeypot break logic. It wasn't all inclusive, and some edge-cases would allow certain players to break blocks without punishment.
  • Added more detailed logging to Honeypot. If enable-logging in config is enabled, honeypot.log will include all debug, info, warning, and severe messages. Console will always include info, warning, and severe messages regardless.

  • None
Known Bugs:

  • None at the moment. If you find a bug, raise an issue!

  • None

  • None
Nerd info
MD5 checksums:

  • 730d53cc77f90427fa5c83b5685e0e20 honeypot-core-3.0.3.jar
  • 3125da1a01b32a21cae95bdbf52463de honeypot-core-3.0.3-javadoc.jar
  • 46d61e6ff0b3965fda8883e03c671948 honeypot-core-3.0.3-sources.jar
----------, Oct 21, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,502
First Release: Oct 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings