Honeypot 3.0.2
This version adds a new %world% placeholder for custom actions. It also removes the Vault requirement, and instead soft-depends on it, allowing you to run this in Folia servers without issue.
PLEASE NOTE Folia is an
experimental server software. In order to make Honeypot run on Folia, I had to move Vault from a hard to soft dependency. This means that, without Vault, you cannot use custom actions of type permission. This is the only caveat!
- %world% placeholder for custom actions. The %world% placeholder will be replaced by the name of the world the block was broken in. For example, if broken in the default Nether, it will say world_nether.
- Vault is no longer required. If not installed, permission custom actions won't work, but that's the only thing that will stop functioning

- Config version has been increased to 16. The %world% feature was a suggestion in my discord, so I'm crediting the suggester accordingly. If you want to be included in the credits, be sure to suggest a feature, report a bug, or translate Honeypot to your native language!
Known Bugs:
- None at the moment. If you find a bug, raise an issue!
- The #process event within the abstract BehaviorProvider class no longer marks the block as @nullable. This was part of the original design just in case a block wasn't necessarily passed to a provider, but later I wrote the internal code to require a block to be passed before a behavior is processed. This result in this annotation not only being unnecessary, but also contextually wrong. This won't affect your builds, by the way

Nerd info
MD5 checksums:
- d9bd5aa5876977856107abfd77acb2d3 honeypot-core-3.0.2.jar
- 05654bb2f17c0f8bb764b5d57934e87e honeypot-core-3.0.2-javadoc.jar
- 0866d4954cbd69669d830c8bc712c52e honeypot-core-3.0.1-sources.jar