- Support 1.19.3.
- Support converting 1.19.3 player_chat packet to system_chat packet.
- Support console message handling after updating Log4j2 library in 1.19.3.
- Support 1.19.3 entity metadata packet handling. (Need to update ProtocolLib)
- Removed 1.19.3 chat preview packet handling.
- Optimize the Contain replacement algorithm. It can increase the efficiency by up to three times.
- Added show debug information when the Json format is wrong after replacing.
- Fix the error that replacing the Common with empty text.
- Fix `WRITABLE_BOOK` related errors.
- Fix possible NPE when reloading the plugin.
- Improve use ProtocolLib -> NBTAPI to process sign data to improve efficiency.
- Improve Jndi restore when plugin is closed.
- Improve check if the replacer config yml file is loaded successfully.
- Update dependencies.
- Code cleanup.