- Code cleanup.
- Support Spigot 1.19.
- Support to replace Component in 1.19 Chat Preview. (Listen-Type: `Chat-Preview`)
- Support to replace death message in respawn screen on death. (Listen-Type: `Combat-Kill`)
- Support to replace the message displayed on the player client when the player is kicked. (Listen-Type: `Kick-Disconnect`)
- Support to replace all strings in TabComplete. (Listen-Type: `Tab-Complete`)
- Support to replace items in the trade list of wandering merchants/villagers for 1.14+.
- Fix sendFilteredMessage not working on 1.19.
- Fix exception of TabComplete when entering PSR command on 1.8.
- Fix locale key `Variables.Listen-Type.Messages.Invalid-Type` mismatch.
- Moved Chat packet processing package.
- Improve formatting in default config files.