Ever wanted more control over your ban systems? Now you can do just that.
Please note this is a simple plugin and is NOT meant to be something overly complicated. So please don't leave reviews making note of how simple it is.
This should work on versions 1.8-1.21, but they have not all been tested. Let me know if there are any issues with the plugin.
This plugin adds multiple features such as /tempban, /ban, /banid, /purgeID, /unban.
To look up a player's ban reason type /banid BanId/Playername
You can tempban players using /tempban Name Time Reason
(Also gets logged)
You can reset all the ban ids using /purgeID
You can also setup a discord server link if you've been falsely banned.
ctckbans.ban.alert (Get silent ban and unban alerts)
ctckbans.ban.perm (Perm ban players)
ctckbans.ban.tempban (Tempban players)
ctckbans.ban.unban (Unban players)
ctckbans.ban.unban.purge (Clear banids)
ctckbans.id (Lookup silent bans)
Prefix: &7[&bCtckPvp&7] #What prefix should be shown
Discord: link #Discord link for unbans
PublicBansPublic: true #Should non-staff players be abled to see public bans using /banid? (Silent bans are hidden regardless)
Version: 2.2 #Version
Planned features:
-Update checks
-Show if a ban is silent or public
-Addons (For example discord messages when someone gets banned)
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