Advanced Perks Recode | GUI, PlaceholderApi support | Citybuild Faction etc. | 1.16.5-1.20.x icon

Advanced Perks Recode | GUI, PlaceholderApi support | Citybuild Faction etc. | 1.16.5-1.20.x -----

Powerful system to enable per player perks to enhance the gameplay of your server.

Codebase modernization and bug fixing 1.20 Support
Upgraded to a modern codebase using Java 17, resulting in improved performance and compatibility.
Plugin can now officially be used with 1.17-1.20 but should still run on lower versions.

Changes made:
- Added the new command: /perks info <player> which allows you to view the list of perks bought by a specific player.
- Improved the perk saving and loading system, ensuring that perks are accurately synchronized and maintained across multiple BungeeCord servers.
- Addressed reported errors and fixed various bugs to enhance stability and overall plugin functionality.

New lines that need to be added to the message.yml
Code (YAML):
: '<prefix> &cThe player <player> either does not exist or is offline.'
     - '<prefix> &7The player &6<player> &7has bought the following perks:'
      - '<prefix> <bought_perks>'
: '<prefix> &7The command syntax is : /perks info <player>'
Sorry for long time without updates.
A new major release (3.0.0) of the plugin is already in the works featuring a long requested gui system and some more bigger improvements.
----------, Jul 6, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,156
First Release: Sep 12, 2021
Last Update: Jul 21, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings