PerWorldPlugins icon

PerWorldPlugins -----

PerWorldPlugins allows plugins to be set to hook onto certain worlds using the config.

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PerWorldPlugins - In game config
PerWorldPlugins is a Minecraft plugin that allows server administrators to assign different plugins to different worlds in the game. This means that administrators can have different plugins enabled on different worlds, allowing them to customize the game experience for players in each world. For example, an administrator could enable a construction plugin in a construction world, but disable it in a survival world.

  1. Compatible with all versions higher than 1.7
  2. Fast support (Discord, GitHub)
  3. Cut down on server lag; some plugins like SurvivalGames check player movement, which fires everywhere, costing you RAM and CPU usage.
  4. Add more features and plugins into your server.
English [Updated] (by KasaiSora)

English [Old] (by SoulStriker):

Spanish (by Mr-Crys):

/perworldplugin reload - Reloads the config.
/perworldplugin version - Displays the version of the plugin.

perworldplugins.reload- Gives access to reload the plugin.
perworldplugins.version - Gives access to view the plugin version.​

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25,491
First Release: Sep 12, 2021
Last Update: Sep 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
55 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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