New mob drop with a random chance set in the config (CHANCE IS 0.01 - 1.0 (DEFAULT SET IN CONFIG IS 0.25 (25% Chance))).
This will drop an item called "Blood Sack", Players right click this item and it will give them full health and saturation.. a bit like voldy in harry potter drinking the unicorn blood in the second movie aha
this obviously means a cooldown was added so the admin can determin how long inbetween usage it will work regardless of health level. when its used it starts a cooldown (set in config as seconds (DEFAULT TIME IS 20 (seconds))). This will also remove 1 from the blood sack ItemStack the Player is holding at the time of usage.
The permission for this is set to DEFAULT so admins dont have to give it out for players to use the blood sacks. FYI the node is pb.heal