Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection icon

Virtual Realty - Easy Plots and Advanced World Protection -----

Easy Plot Creation, Protection and Management with Shared Plots, too!

Originally designed by MODN METL LTD and coded by plytki.
Now maintained by BenCodez
Development builds available here

For all your Plot Management Needs,
Choose Virtual Realty!

Virtual Realty is an easy-to-use server plugin for the creation of plots of land for your players to lease or own, shareable with their own 'friends' list, to build their dream property, protected from griefers and even automatically switchable into a predefined game mode and back when they cross its boundaries!

Configurable with separate world and plot protection permissions so you can fine-tune your environment and players to interact exactly how you need!

With an Admin-level command for in-game plot creation and one for player-level plot management, plus an optional Plot Claim Item feature so your players can stake their own claims within your world, as well as sell or trade their unstaked claim items, you have every type of land distribution and plot management option at your fingerips.

Easily distribute/sell/lease/trade/award plots to your players through any third-party plugin capable of issuing console commands. (e.g. Shopkeepers/Quests/Autorank)

Example usage:
Run a survival or creative server? - Protect your world structures with the new 'Area' feature and let players protect their real estate from griefers/attackers with their own plots.

Run an adventure server? - Set players to switch gamemode in their plots so they can build!

Use a mix of readymade plots you place in desirable locations and let your players create their own plots through tradable Plot Claim items with preset specifications.


  • Rapid and repeatable OP-level command for creation of preset plots at your location (Small, Medium, Large)
  • Custom sized plots
  • Plot Claim items allowing players to create their own plots at a location they choose, extend their lease period, or take ownership of existing plots
  • Preset floor and border materials, or spec different types on-the-fly, for visually-defined plots
  • Natural plots which retain the existing terrain
  • Visual boundary activation feature to display the plot's 3-axis layout
  • Anti-collision to prevent new plot from being created overlapping existing plots
  • Remove a plot and restore the original terrain with a single command
  • A non-destructive 'Area' plot type for Admins to protect existing game assets or prevent players from placing plots in a particular area of the map
  • Integration with Dynmap to highlight plots and display their info
  • World protection and Plot protection options
  • Plot owners can set permissions for friends and non-friend users
  • Manage individual plot-friend specific permissions
  • Optional leasing element with 'Owned Until' date of ownership expiry
  • Optional switchable/forced game mode change on plot entry/exit
  • Optional Player-level GUI for detailed plot permissions and management
We will be rolling out additional updates soon to add more capabilities to Virtual Realty and, ultimately, will be releasing a turnkey version for server operators to earn actual revenue from the buying and selling of their plots through our web-based Storefront and users will even be able to enjoy 'flipping' their property developments for fun and profit!

So get the plugin now to build your server's stock of real-estate in time for when we open up for self-onboarded servers to list on our platform!

Quick and Easy Plot Creation

Plot Boundary Notifications on Entry/Exit

Easy and Instant Plot Removal

Optional Player-level GUI panel for fully custom per-plot permissions!

  • Display all your owned plots
  • Display your members of each selected plot
  • Activate Visual Boundary of selected plot
  • Teleport to selected plot
  • Set non-member permissions for selected plot: Break Blocks, Place Blocks, Chest Access, Armor Stand, Entity Damage, Switch, Item Use
  • Set selected member permissions for selected plot: Break Blocks, Place Blocks, Chest Access, Armor Stand, Entity Damage, Switch, Item Use
  • Set selected member management permissions for selected plot: To let them Add members, Kick members and access plot management functions
  • Kick the member from the plot member group

Integration with Dynmap to show both owned Plots and Available Plots,
with definable plot colours and plot owner information!


Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,638
First Release: Aug 23, 2021
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings