Recipe Book Improvements
With this update you can finally properly sort recipes inside categories and/or filters.
Plus, the Creative Inventory Categories are back and updated to the latest 1.19.4 categories.
To get them to work, you need the new Recipe Book Config.
New Recipe Book Config
You can view the new recipe_book.conf
To use it on your server you may need delete your current recipe_book.conf and recipe_book.json to generate it, or replace the contents of the file manually.
Make sure to stop the server, then delete the config/s. Then start the server and it should generate the new config.
Additionally, now the old recipe_book.json gets renamed to
recipe_book.conf if that doesn't exist yet, instead of keeping both versions.
Separate Category Title Property
Each category can now have both a name and title property.
The name is the name of the item in the main menu of the recipe book, while the title is the inventory title when the category is open.
If title is unspecified, it uses the name instead.
There is no GUI editor for this, so it must be configured via the recipe_book.conf.
Each category and filter can have a sort property, that contains the sort behaviour settings.
defaultSort : Specifies the default algorithm used to sort the recipes/groups
- NONE = keeps the recipe/group order of the category
- ID = sorts both groups & recipes simultaneosly, groups and recipes may intersect
- ID_GROUPS_FIRST = sorts groups and recipes seperately, groups are put before the recipes
- ID_RECIPES_FIRST = sorts groups and recipes seperately, recipes are put before the groups
order : Specifies the order of the sort algo.
- ASCENDING = from smallest to biggest value
- DESCENDING = from biggest to smallest value
Then there are custom values for specific group/recipe sorting.
When in 'ascending' order, higher values come last. All undefined recipes/groups have a value of 0.
recipes : Map of recipe ids to values for custom sorting.
groups : Map of group names to values for custom sorting.
For example:
This example is from the new recipe_book.conf, so have a look at that for a fully working example
A category with the following settings sorts the recipes and groups simultaneously in acending order.
Code (Text):
sort {
defaultSort = ID
order = ACENDING
Then a filter inside that category can resort the already sorted recipes and therefore reorder recipes/groups.
Code (Text):
sort {
# This defines the algo used to sort the recipes/groups.
defaultSort = NONE # NONE = keeps the recipe/group order of the category
# ID = sorts both groups & recipes simultaneosly, groups and recipes may intersect
# ID_GROUPS_FIRST = sorts groups and recipes seperately, groups are put before the recipes
# ID_RECIPES_FIRST = sorts groups and recipes seperately, recipes are put before the groups
order = ASCENDING # ASCENDING = from smallest to biggest value
# DESCENDING = from biggest to smallest value
# Custom values for specific group/recipe sorting
# When in 'ascending' order, higher values come last. All undefined recipes/groups have a value of 0
recipes {
"customcrafting:customcrafting/recipe_book": -100 # this recipe is put infront of all recipes/groups
"customcrafting:customcrafting/advanced_crafting_table": 1 # and this recipe is put at the end of the category!
groups {
any_group_name: -101 # so this group would be put before the customcrafting recipe book recipe defined above.
- #260 - Fixed InteractionUtils causing glitchy behaviour in ECT and Cauldron GUI
- #261 - Fixed Recipe Book Empty GUI
- #262 - Recipe Book Category & Filter Recipe Sorting
- #263 - Better Recipe Book Conversion from old config
- #264 - Enable Stacktrace printing by default
- #265 - Don't allow multiple viewers viewing the same Cauldron simultaneously
- #266 - Fixed Invalid Cooking Recipe Icon In Recipe Book Menu
- Added ru_RU language file translated by Nalurione
Full Changelog: