Recipe Book Category Alignment
Added Category Align options to the Recipe Book Config that makes it possible to further customize the Recipe Book main menu.
- Dynamic main menu inventory size (adapts to the amount of categories)
- Specify how items are aligned
- Specify Max categories per row
- Configure Minimum rows (max rows = 5 !)
- Set Custom Category Slots
- Works in combination with the align feature
More info about the alignment options etc. can be found
in the wiki!
Lore Merge Adapter
The lore merge adapter makes it possible to merge lore from targeted ingredients into the result lore.
It provides options to select specific lines via value or index, and to insert them at a specific index in the result lore.
Plus, you can add extra lore lines to be added independently of the ingredients.
For info on how to use Targets and Merge Adapters, see
here and
- #199 - Lore Merge Adapter
- #198 - Recipe Book Category Alignment
Full Changelog: