Beta 1 - 2 were skipped since they only contained bug fixes and improvements.
Changes since beta0:
Fixed old crafting not being loaded.
Fixed crafting recipes not being visible in the recipe book.
Fixed CraftingContainer loading shaped crafting recipes as shapeless and shapeless as shaped - RecipeBookConfig should automatically fix itself (reset to default) if it is broken now.
Fixed Recipe Creator outputting error message when recipe was successfully saved.
Fixed Recipe Creator not constructing cooking/smelting, grinding, and smithing recipes.
Fixed Furnace recipes outputting incorrect amount of items.
Updated/Fixed byte buffer encoding of recipes.
Fixed Stonecutter recipes not being created on save.
Improved the recipe API and made it more secure by checking arguments for other recipe types too (before only for crafting recipes).
Refactored GUI component classes, so they can only be accessed in their specific package.
Removed unused code
Changed default advanced crafting table recipe to the previous version.
Removed ICraftingRecipe and ICustomRecipe and instead put the methods directly into the CraftingRecipe and CustomRecipe abstract classes.