Hello everyone, this is was my second Skript plugin (the first one was removed) that I have re-made into a normal plugin! Hope you enjoy.
This plugin, when enabled, will disable all forms of placing and breaking blocks.
Commands: /build Toggles if anyone (including ops) can build /build reload Reloads the config
Permissions: antibuild.toggle Access to commands
Code (Text):
# Anti-Build (Java version)
# Made by ajgeiss0702
# The push-enabled option determines wether the player should be pushed when they break/place a block. true = will push false = no push
# The build-enabled option is for the plugin to remember wether it was enabled or disabled when the server is stopped or reloads.
# You can change the messages below:
disable: '&7>> &aYou have disabled building!'
enable: '&7>> &aYou have enabled building!'
build: '&7>> &cBuilding is currently disabled!'
destroy: '&7>> &cDestroying is currently disabled!'
push-enabled: true
build-enabled: true
Please post any suggestions in the discussion tab.
If you have any issues, feel free to join my discord server!