If you translated the language file into your language, you may contact me so I can release that message file to all.
The language file is created (in either English or German depending on what "General.Language" is set to) and used if "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" is activated
The plugin is very extendable (see the Add-ons/Extensions section of the description) and configurable
Rename all commands
Set individual permissions for each command (by default there are none)
You can set the maximum player number per party (set it in the config to anything below 2 to disable this feature) (there is a permission that allows users with that permission to have no player limit in their parties (useful for premium players) (permission can be set in the config))
Find out more about the versions difference on the wiki page
There is also an Extended version with an inventory GUI (as well for the party part as well as for the friends part) and support for Clans. What you will also find only in the extended version:
The extended version has an fully configurable inventory GUI (can be disabled in config). Features of the GUI:
List your friend, show their online status and on which server they are on
Interact with your friends (jump to them (can be disabled in config), invite them into a party or remove them from your friend list)
List your friend requests and accept or deny them
View and change your settings
The friend GUI can either be opened by right click on the friend item (can be disabled in the config) or by typing in the command /friendsgui
It can either be accessed by the command /hide or by right clicking on the hide item (can be configured and disabled in the config)
There are the following hide modes:
Show all players
Show only friends and people of the server team (for the plugin a server member is someone who has the permission which can be set under "General.PermissionNoHide")
Show only friends
Show only people of the server team (for the plugin a server member is someone who has the permission which can be set under "General.PermissionNoHide")
Use any command of this plugin from the command line to reload the plugin
This plugin works with Java 8 or higher
This plugin is compiled with the newest version of Spigot and Bungeecord and works with Spigot/Bukkit versions from 1.7 to 1.21. Your Bungeecord needs to be at least on the version #1222. If you need support for 1.7 clients have a look at this modified Bungeecord version, which still supports 1.7 clients but also receive new Bungeecord updates
This project needs a MySQL server
This project won't work on Spigot or Bukkit, but there is a version which works on Spigot/Bukkit servers
If If you find any bugs, language mistakes or you have any suggestions for this plugin, please send me a PM on Spigot, via discord private chat (Simonsator#5834), via my discord server or via email ([email protected])
Please do not leave a review (especially a bad review). I will not be informed about the review, so you will have to wait before I am going to answer you. Also I cannot ask you for further information which are needed in the most cases, because you cannot reply again. Also it is unfair, because in the most cases the problem is caused by the user and also it would be nice to give me at least 24 hours to fix a problem, before leaving a bad review. After that time you can still leave a review.
Max Friends: Adds the possibility to set a limit number of friends somebody can have