ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] icon

ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] -----

From Realms SMP! Addictive and engaging RPG-skills, built to keep players playing for longer

Some critical bug fixes, QoL features, and balance changes
Howdy, another update for you guys. This one doesn't contain a whole lot of content, but plenty of quality features that will improve your experience and make this plugin nicer to work with.
For this update you should read the "documentation" tab on the plugin page. In short, you should basically remove the entire ValhallaMMO folder (while server is offline) before starting your server. If you have your own recipes or configurations you'd like to save, back them up if you want some of these changes to actually apply to your server. Don't worry, you won't lose progress doing this, but you might have to give players soft resets in case their existing profiles are still buggy ( /val reset false <player> will reset them, but re-award their experience so no progress is lost)

NEW COMMAND /val resourcepack, a command which allows servers to automatically download and install the ValhallaMMO resource pack. Requires a server restart to apply. /val resourcepack download will only put a copy of the resource pack into the server plugin directory, in case you have other resource packs (such as ItemsAdder's) that need to be merged with it. /val resourcepack install both downloads and installs the resource pack, this changes settings in your file, so be careful you don't override existing resource pack settings. /val resourcepack enable may be used to directly apply the custom textures onto crafting GUIs

NEW COMMAND /val itemindex, a dictionary of sorts to store items under an ID, along with a couple of item modifiers to allow you to change an item into an indexed item completely, only copy the indexed item name to the item, or only change the item type to the indexed item's. Bit confusing, I know, but the feature is quite powerful in creating more intricate recipes

NEW COMMAND /partyspy, allowing admins to peep on other player's party chats

MINOR FEATURE added two more dynamic item modifiers that convert written color codes (like "&4example") in item names or lore to be converted to actual colors (to " example")
MINOR FEATURE added two more recipes to allow players to craft 64x hot iron or gold ingots at once, I thought it was OP at first but my players loved it so much I added it by default :)
MINOR FEATURE added "dismount chance" attribute, you can now have jousting games in Minecraft :)
MINOR FEATURE added item modifiers to change what materials or equipment types the plugin considers an item without changing the actual item material (roses can be considered helmets made of diamond for example, this does not change whether you're actually able to equip non-armor items)

BALANCE buffed effectiveness of protection enchantments
- Protection damage mitigation increased from 1% to 2% per level (20% - 40%)
- Protection magic resistance increased from 2% to 3% per level (40% - 60%)
- Protection now grants additional 3% poison resistance per level (60%)
- Projectile Protection projectile resistance increased from 1.5% to 3% (30% - 60%)
- Blast Protection explosion resistance increased from 3% to 4% (60% - 80%)

BALANCE armor by default now also protects against LAVA damage
BALANCE greatly buffed archery to give more experience in the early game, and players now get a % more experience per damage point they deal to make late-game more viable too
BALANCE buffed default enchanting experience gain by about 50%
BALANCE buffed light and heavy armor experience gain by about double
BALANCE buffed light weapons experience gain by about 50%

TWEAK damage hurt effect no longer plays when damage is 0 or lower (100% fire resistance will not keep hurting you while swimming in lava, for example)
TWEAK damage resistance from enchantments can now have a maximum value configured
TWEAK added option for brewing stands to spit out "saved" ingredients on top of the brewing stand rather than keeping it in the brewing stand
TWEAK tab autocompletion no longer shows command options if the player doesn't have permission for that subcommand
TWEAK spawner-spawned mobs can now be rewarded less experience for light and heavy weapons, and archery
TWEAK skulls, player heads, and carved pumpkins are now considered helmets
TWEAK having "weapon coating" unlocked of either light or heavy weapons will now completely prevent self-poisoning when attempting a weapon coating, even if it fails
TWEAK the dynamic attribute modifiers for items items, and the duration and amplifier modifiers for potions, now include a "will at least be x times the default" property. This allows potions to always benefit from glowstone or redstone dust even when the player is typically not skilled enough.
TWEAK the icons in /skills and the dynamic item modifier icons no longer show attributes (chestplates will no longer display "+x Armor" for example)
TWEAK slightly lowered volume of crafting noises
TWEAK crafting sounds are now based on the material's base type, like chipped anvils or damaged anvils now all share the anvil's sound effects
TWEAK hunger save chance can now be negative to make hunger go down faster
TWEAK skill experience can now not be gained in creative mode
TWEAK immunity frame mechanic now works exactly like vanilla (if an entity is immune, but hit by a stronger attack, the difference in damage is applied regardless of immunity frames. This prevents effective damage immunity while being poisoned or similar)

FIXED increased range melee attacks now account for all enchantments such as looting and fire resistance
FIXED greatly improved hit detection on attack reach attribute, especially lower reach
FIXED "increased damage taken" enchantment having the opposite effect, effectively making players with these enchantments immortal
FIXED "hunger save chance" effect having the "negative effect" color when beneficial, and the positive effect color when not
FIXED reach attribute in off-hand being considered for the main weapon, allowing swords to have the reach of spears without the downside of speed. Now only main hand is considered for this attribute
FIXED extremely critical bug where I made a typo in the farming skill tree
FIXED "unlocked for everyone" buttons being absent for shaped and brewing recipe editing menus
FIXED missing "repair shield" and "craft shulker shell" recipes.
FIXED leather boots not being considered boots
FIXED "set default max durability" modifier being capped at 1000 (now the integer limit)
FIXED infinite enchanting exp exploit
FIXED issue where items disappeared when put into active brewing stands (brewing stand code has received a general improvement)
FIXED issue where brewing a fire resistance potion also applied the custom fire resistance attribute to the potion
FIXED issue where brewing ambrosia also applied the custom damage resistance attribute to the potion
FIXED issue with movement speed attribute modifier not applying if a value below 0 is given
FIXED issue with archery charged shot not actually giving 3 charges on the first perk
FIXED brewing stand duplication exploit
FIXED the dodge chance enchantment not actually contributing to dodge chance
FIXED increased attack range attribute being able to damage mounts
FIXED reach attribute attack height not being correct while riding an entity
FIXED global block loot table not working when "is_spigot" is turned off in config.yml
FIXED custom block loot tables being affected by drop multiplier stats
FIXED global block loot table dropping custom drops from placed blocks
FIXED knockback resistance not reducing the knockback of custom knockback attributes
FIXED issue with reach attribute where it would hit entities like villagers when interacting with them
FIXED "override natural drops" option for entity loot tables not being read properly and thus always be disabled
FIXED issue where weightless armor did not contribute any protection against damage
FIXED issue with party invites where the invited player could never join a party that had spaces in the name
FIXED issue where armor always took 1 durability damage regardless of damage taken, and made plugin compatible with damage indicator mods/plugins
FIXED issue where vanilla durability did not increase appropriately according to custom durability when repaired by mending

PERFORMANCE added a stat cache to certain rapidly calculated stats, improving performance
PERFORMANCE slightly improved recipe "loading" times for crafting stations. As a reminder, you can effectively remove this loading time by turning the advanced preview option off in config.yml
----------, Aug 10, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,538
First Release: Aug 2, 2021
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
92 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings