ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] icon

ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] -----

From Realms SMP! Addictive and engaging RPG-skills, built to keep players playing for longer

The Landscaping Update
Hey guys, took another good while to get this update out but there were many small features and tweaks that I felt needed to be implemented, on top of a bunch of bugs that needed fixing. This update finalizes the 3 "gathering" skills and so now we're moving on to combat skills such as archery, light weapons, unarmed, etc.

NEW Skill: Landscaping
Landscaping is a combination of Woodcutting and Digging, since I think neither can have enough features or are significant enough part of the game to be worthy of a skill of their own. Landscaping comes with a full skill tree, as usual, offering perks to increase drops and special abilities such as treecapitator (or tree feller). This perk is more oriented towards the builders of Minecraft, where its main Quality of Life features are the ability to change blocks by right clicking on them with certain items (after you've unlocked their perks, of course). You can change stone bricks to cracked stone bricks with a pickaxe for example, stone to cobblestone, cobblestone to gravel, cobblestone to mossy cobblestone, etc. This allows you to much more easily give your builds more variation without having to manually place each individual block and instead place their base type and randomly right click with whatever item it needs. With digging you may also sometimes dig up treasure rewards from dirt, sand, gravel, etc.

NEW Command: /skills
A shorter version of /val skills

NEW Command: /val reset

This command already existed of course, but it was more or less a placeholder to just allow admins to reset someone if needed. This ability now allows for a soft reset, meaning the player's stats, perks, and levels are reset at first but they're re-awarded their previous EXP. This allows admins to reset players in case of a balance change in the configs without the players losing progress.

NEW Command: /val reload

This command reloads all configs into the game. Be careful, as this creates a big lag spike.

NEW Feature: global loot tables
Similar to the loot tables other skills may have, these loot tables have no limitations on what blocks or entities they can be used on. These loot tables are also unaffected by any stats the player may have, they're here as a blank canvas for server developers.

NEW Feature: On-join tutorial book

A short introduction book given to players when they first join the server. This book is entirely customizable in tutorial_book.yml and can also be disabled in config.yml. Players found it hard to get started with the plugin's custom crafting mechanics, so this book attempts to give the players an idea on how to use the system.

NEW Modifiers: Quality add/multiply

Quality addition or multiplication modifiers to use in recipes, these modifiers allow you to add/remove a flat amount of quality to an item or to multiply the item's current quality by some value.

NEW Perk Rewards: Perk add/remove

These allow you to add perks to players without giving them the benefits of the perk, which can be used to lock branches in skill trees (players can't unlock perks if they "technically" already have them). Similarly you can remove a player's perks without removing the benefits of the perk, which can be used to allow a player to unlock and get the benefits of a perk repeatedly.

TWEAK moved starting_coordinates skill tree property from the base skill config to the progression config, seemed more appropriate.
TWEAK made the Mining skill's Vein Miner ability more cube-shaped rather than diamond shaped.
TWEAK vein miner-like abilities now have an extra option in their configs to mine their blocks instantly rather than over time.
TWEAK vein miner-like abilities also have another option in their configs to give blocks mined a cosmetic particle outline when broken.
TWEAK any level-up spam is now prevented, including that of the Power skill.
TWEAK the config now features an option to allow admins to swap crafting station functionality, where shift-right click opens the Vanilla GUI of a block (if it has one) where normally right clicking the block opens the custom ValhallaMMO craft GUI (if it has one).

BALANCE all skills require an additional 300 EXP per level because early game leveling was too fast.
BALANCE because players right now will have accumulated a lot of skill points before they ever get to spend them, each skill has some of its perk level requirements lowered. Each skill now has at least 1 perk unlockable at level 0, if you have the skill points to spend.

To get these changes in your game, delete all your progression configs and restart the server.

FIXED Disabled recipes were being read through recipes.yml instead of config.yml.
FIXED Console errors with recipes having cauldron-related block validations.
FIXED Item-related errors on Spigot (not on forks like Paper or Purpur).
FIXED Animal selection menu in farming loot table working strangely.
FIXED Entity loot tables not saving properly.
FIXED Recipes not locking/unlocking for the player, players were able to craft everything even if they hadn't unlocked the recipe yet.
FIXED Farming sweet berries would always reward an EXP orb not worth anything.
FIXED Tinkering recipes to do with repairing tools throwing errors in console.
FIXED Server having a stroke sometimes when a player attempts to open a tinkering menu with certain recipes.
FIXED Blocks sometimes double-dropping items even if they've been placed before.
FIXED Chanced block loot tables not saving their drop chances properly

Please let me know if you find any more bugs, as much as I can test it'll never be enough to find everything so all the help is welcome

I think there were more changes, but I forgot, enjoy the update!
Also please leave a review telling me what you think that would be very nice

----------, Mar 27, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,538
First Release: Aug 2, 2021
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
92 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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