ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] icon

ValhallaMMO [1.19-1.21.4] -----

From Realms SMP! Addictive and engaging RPG-skills, built to keep players playing for longer

The Enchanting Update
Enchanting is here! Hereby concluding the three crafting skills to be implemented. Next up: the harvesting skills.

Took a while to implement, part of the reason being I went on vacation too, but also because I wanted to take more time to look for bugs and to make sure this skill worked properly.

The main feature is obviously the enchanting skill. You level this skill by enchanting, and the experience you gain will scale with the enchantments you get on your items. With this skill your enchantments will be reduced in levels when just starting out, partially to nerf especially strong enchantments like Fortune and Unbreaking. These are especially powerful with the custom smithing mechanics put in place. But the more you level Enchanting the stronger your enchantments become again. Around level 60 your enchantments are back to what they were in vanilla, but around 80+ they start to become stronger. You will for example be able to get sharpness VI, or looting IV. It also features some diminishing returns if someone were to spam Enderman grinders or Zombified Piglin grinders, so it won't be super easy to level this up. Of course all configurable, but in my experience this skill was very easy to get to high levels.

Now a bunch of smaller features and bug fixes, there's a bunch.

- Doubled experience required to reach level 100. The changes have little effect on the early game, but quite a lot lategame. If you've used the plugin before, you will not notice a difference unless you reset the configs.
- Added milk bottle and chocolate milk bottle recipes by default
- Tweaked smithing recipes to grant some smithing experience if the recipe consumed item(s) (mostly tinkering recipes)
- If you were to receive 50 alchemy experience three time quickly in a row, instead of the action bar displaying +50 EXP it now displays +150 EXP. Basically, the action bar can count now and it'll display experience gain more accurately.
- recipes.yml now features a list of all tools and armor to be disabled if wanted, though they are commented out by default.
- Quality randomizer modifiers added, they decrease/increase an item's existing quality by a random percentage between two specified percentages.
- Implemented unicode compatibility for use in the translation configs

Bug fixes:
- The recipe selection GUI is now alphabetically sorted instead of by item type
- Fixed an issue where the plugin wouldn't start up if invalid recipe keys were entered in the disabled recipe list in recipes.yml
- Execution of certain dynamic item modifiers (specifically the ones with more than 1 option) were impossible to execute using /val modify
- Fixed class-tinkering recipe GUI pretty much not working at all
- Class-tinkering recipes are now properly implemented.
- Filled buckets now turn to regular buckets with all crafting recipes
- EXP-gain status in action bar now rounds to a couple of decimals
- Fixed inconsistent movement within skill trees if the skill tree wasn't properly fitted to touch both the x and y axis
- Fixed inverted potion recipes lacked scaling by default, so now that's been added
- Fixed noncustom tools seemingly regenerating durability under certain circumstances
- Fixed EXP-gain status in action bar still showing up even if 0 exp was obtained
- Fixed default recipes for bow/crossbow repairing, as well as the melted wax recipe being absent
- Fixed after having selected a recipe the player could not break blocks until having right clicked something else
- Fixed saturation potions acting inconsistently by now having them be considered instant potions like instant health and instant damage.
- Fixed splash potions only applying a quarter of their intended duration
- Fixed an inability to place several blaze powders in the fuel slot in brewing stands
- Fixed EXP modifiers being exploitable even without having crafted anything
- Fixed improvement recipes being able to tinker an item type it was not meant to tinker

Known issues:
- Cauldron-related block validations (such as needing a cauldron to be filled to temper items) still do not seem to work properly, this is due to cauldrons being changed pretty much completely in 1.17
- Brewing stands making items vanish under certain circumstances, this is still being researched but is not considered a major bug as it does not seem to happen frequently
----------, Nov 2, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 29,538
First Release: Aug 2, 2021
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
92 ratings
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