SpecificMobDisable icon

SpecificMobDisable -----

Disables and removes specific mobs (and not living entities)

Are you having trouble with irritating mobs, and wouldn't you like if they also get removed directly instead of that you have to wait for Minecraft to despawn them? Then this is for you! SpecificMobDisable disables and removes mobs that you want to disable.

  • Disable and enable all kinds of entities. This includes living entities (for example specific mobs) and not living entities (for example specific dropped items).
  • Directly removes the disabled entities so that you don’t need to wait for Minecraft to despawn them.
  • Force summon living entities if you’ve disabled them, even with directly remove mode enabled.
  • /smd reload: This command is for reloading the plugin (what in most cases only is needed if you edited the config file without using a command).
  • /smd disablemob <mob>: This command is for disabling a specific mob in all worlds (after this command the specific mob will directly be removed).
  • /smd disablemob <mob> <optional world or optional spawn reason>: This command is for disabling a specific mob in a specific world or with a specific spawn reason. This plugin determines whether you mean a world or a spawn reason from the context (spawn reasons are case sensitive and must always be entered in uppercase). The spawn reasons can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html
  • /smd enablemob <mob>: This command is for enabling a specific mob that you've disabled.
  • /smd enablemob <mob> <optional world or optional spawn reason>: This command is for enabling a specific mob that you've disabled in a specific world or with a specific spawn reason. This plugin determines whether you mean a world or a spawn reason from the context (spawn reasons are case sensitive and must always be entered in uppercase). The spawn reasons can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html
  • /smd disableallmobs: This command is for disabling all mobs.
  • /smd enableallmobs: This command is for enabling all mobs (except from the one that you've disabled specifically).
  • /smd disabledmobs: The output of this command shows which mobs are disabled.
  • /smd forcesummon <mob>: This command is for spawning a mob that is disabled (even if ForcedRemoveMode is enabled).
  • smd.admin: gives access to all commands.
  • smd.disablemob: gives access to the commands: '/smd disablemob' and 'smd disableallmobs'.
  • smd.enablemob: gives access to the commands: '/smd enablemob' and 'smd enableallmobs'.
  • smd.disabledmobs: gives access to the '/smd disabledmobs' command.
  • smd.forcesummon: gives access to the '/smd forcesummon' command.
  • smd.reload: gives access to the '/smd reload' command.
  • smd.disabledmobs: gives access to the '/smd disabledmobs' command.

The config file contains a few settings. You need to execute the command: '/smd reload' to apply the changes made to the config file. This applies to all settings.
  • The first setting is: MobsDisabled. This is used for saving the mobs that you've disabled. This can be changed by using the above listed commands.

    For example, if you want to disable zombies in the world 'coolworld' that spawn naturally, you do it using the following way: add 'Zombie*coolworld^NATURAL' on a new row preceded by a '-'. The world and spawnreason are case sensitive. It is also possible to enter a mob without the specific world or spawn reason. In that case just enter the mob name. In case you want to specify only a world or a spawnreason, then you should only include '*world' or '^SPAWNREASON'. An important note is that if you want to disable a mob that contains a space, such as: 'Zombie Horse', you must enter it with an underscore: ZOMBIE_HORSE.

    Using our example the AllMobDisabled section will look like:
    - Zombie*coolworld^NATURAL
  • The second setting is AllMobsDisabled. This setting is for disabling all mobs. This can be changed by a command.
  • The final and a really important setting is the ForcedRemoveMode. This one can't be changed using a command. When ForcedRemoveMode is enabled, all mobs of that type get directly removed. In that case you don't have to wait for Minecraft to despawn them.

Here is an example config file with explanations:
Code (Text):
#SpecificMobDisable plugin config file

#The MobsDisabled property contains all disabled mobs. The format is as following: '- ExampleMob*CaseSensitiveWorld^SPAWNREASON'. Mobs that contain a space must be entered with an underscore.

#If this property is set to true, mobs that already have been spawned (before they were disabled) will be removed directly removed when they get disabled.
ForcedRemoveMode: true

#If this property is set to true, all living entities will be disabled.
AllMobsDisabled: false
# If this property is set to true, bStats will be enabled.
bStats: true
Sometimes inside the SpecificMobDisable directory another directory can be found, the WorkDir directory. Here are files keeped that the plugin uses to save some of his data. You shouldn't edit anything here.

  • It is recommende to use spigot (or paper). CraftBukkit won't work 100% as of version 2.1. If it's a necessity for you to use CraftBukkit, then you should use version 2.0 or lower.
  • Java 8 is Recommended (lower than that hasn't been tested). Except for Minecraft versions that require an other java version (for example Minecraft 1.17 and 1.18)
Drag and drop the plugin in your plugins folder, and it will work. Note that when you update the plugin to a newer version, you don’t need to reset or delete the config file. The plugin automatically updates the config file to a newer version with the existing data from the old config file.

When you want to update the plugin, make sure you shutdown the server, install the plugin and then boot the server. Just overwriting the existing jar file and then reloading the server may cause errors.

This plugin uses bStats to provide information to bStats.org like how many servers are using this plugin. If you want to see what data gets collected, go to https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/SpecificMobDisable/12318.

If you have any problems installing the plugin, or you've encountered a bug, please create an issue on the github page of SpecificMobDisable: https://github.com/DaytonTheBuilder/SpecificMobDisable
You can also send me a private message or create a discussion here on spigot at the discussion tab.

When using/installing/updating this plugin you agree to my license:
As of version 2.1.5 the new DTB (DAYTONTHEBUILDER) PLUGIN LICENSE v1.1 is used and can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As6QS6kAjBW9m9VIOG4RaQY7zGJBTQ?e=zlUfgc The essence of the license has remained the same.

The old DTB (DAYTONTHEBUILDER) PLUGIN LICENSE can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As6QS6kAjBW9h6hxiKH4M_4f1ff3dQ?e=cIVysQ
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,280
First Release: Jul 28, 2021
Last Update: Aug 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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