NOTE: The core of this plugin was thoroughly tested using MC 1.21. If any of the integrations like - Lands, PlotSquared, WorldGuard etc. - please log an issue for it on[Bug]:+
Changelog (Additions):
- Support for 1.21.4
- NEW: Equipment Menu now checks if 2 players want to edit at the same time, and blocks that from happening. There is no way today to override that, maybe in the future.
- NEW: Supports Sizing via the Attribute#Scale - Will only work in 1.21.4 or v1_21_r3
- NEW: Better Debug Logging. Hidden behind a config option.
Changelog (QoL Fixes):
- Fix for an Undisclosed Duplicate
- Fix for the Present preset pose not working
- Fix for running /ase as Console
This is/was intended to be the last version to support Spigot. Secretly in the background, ASE has been built upon PaperMC's API and not Spigots. With the announcement of HardFork and with the Metrics for ASE, I have made the decision to step away from maintaining this version of ASE.... For the foreseeable future.
If there are any issues, they will be fixed, on the paper version of ASE and not the Spigot Version.
Thank you everyone for the support over the years and being with me through the dark/no comms days to what ASE is now. Its been amazing to see and we will continue to grow.
Its not a goodbye, its a tata for now